Monday, 10 June 2019


No. NDGBGOA/CE/Release/2019-06                         Date::- 10-06-2019
The Hon’ble DGOF/Chairman
10-A,S.K.Bose Road
Ordnance Factory Board
                    (Kind attention:- Shri Saurabh Kumar,Hon’ble DGOF/Chairman,OFB

          Sub:- Non releasing of JWMs(Group’B’ Officers) from respective units.
           Ref:-  1. JTR-60/PER/NG/2019 dtd 06-02-2019
                      2. NDGBGOA/CE/29/2019-05     dtd 07-05-2019
                         With reference to above, O.F.Board has  published  letter  regarding  releasing of pending  Interfactory Transfer order of JWMS/Sr.PS/PS  on or before 28-02-2019. But it is deeply regetted that Group B Gazetted Officers were not yet released from OFMK,OFI,O.F.Katni,O.F.Bolangir,O.F.Chanda,O.F.Nalanda, O.F.Bhusaval, AFK,Pune and ignoring OFB repeated order.
                         It is brought to your kind notice that, undersigned has visited OFChanda and OF Katni and met Sr.GM/O.F.Chanda and GM/O.F.Katni and requested for early release of JWMs from their respective units who are waiting from 2017. During the meeting Sr.GM,OFCH and GM/OFKatni assured to release after completion of Financial year but till date many JWMs are not released from the Factories. Sr.GM and GM releasing some JWMs in a pick and choose basis. Even after Transfer Order, many JWMs are facing much difficulties for their wards education and future admission in academic session.

                            Hence it is requested to kindly direct above mentioned Head of Units to release transferred officers(JWMs/Sr.PS/PS) at the earliest otherwise O.F.Board should issue Release Order to  all pending transferred  officers at the earliest please.                        
        Thanking you,

                                                                       Yours Sincerely,
                                                                       (Jaigopal Singh) 
                                                                    General Secretary                   
Copy to:-
1.   The Member/Per
10-A,S.K Bose Road
 Kolkata(W.B)        :- For Information and n/a please
2.   The DDG/IR          :- For information please.
3.   The DDG/NG         :- For Information please.
4.   The Dir/NG           :- For information and n/a please.


        No. NDGBGOA/CE/Transfer Policy/2019-06                      Date::- 10-06-2019
The Hon’ble DGOF/Chairman
10-A,S.K.Bose Road
Ordnance Factory Board
                    (Kind attention:- Shri Saurabh Kumar,Hon’ble DGOF/Chairman,OFB

          Sub:- Transfer Policy for Group B Gazetted Officers- Reg

           Ref:-  1. JTR-60/PER/GB/2018-19 Dtd 28th May 2019
                               2. NDGBGOA/CE/Tr. Policy/ 2019/03  Dtd- 25/03/2019
                  3. JTR-60/Per/NG/2019 Dated- 30/04/2019
                        The Central Executive requests your kind intervention and necessary ammendment in Compassionate Ground Transfer with own Interest irrespective of tenure of service which is mentioned in the transfer policy (vide Reference No- 1).
                         It is brought to your kind notice that, most of the Group A Officers are getting their Choice Station within very short span of time( Two to Three Year) and all the transfer are being ordered in Public Interest where as 15JWMs and one PS were transferred in Own Interest even after Completion of more than 10 Year of Service (last transfer order dated- 30/04/2019 Vide Ref No-3).
          It is pertinent to mentioned here that, OFB is considering very few request Transfer of  Group B Gazetted Officers. Getting Transfer to their choice station is becoming dream for any Group B Gazetted officer.With many Hurdles and difficulties very few JWM/PS are getting transfer. Granting Transfer in own interst after completing 10 year service will definitely dishearten the  JWM/PS.
                            Therefore, Honorable DGOF and Chairman is requested to consider request/compassionate transfer of JWM/PS who ever has completed more than 10 year service in a station and request same ammendment in the Transfer policy of Group B Gazetted Officers.
        Thanking you,

                                                                     Yours Sincerely,
                                                                       (Jaigopal Singh) 
                                                                     General Secretary                   
Copy to:-
1.   The Member/Per
10-A,S.K Bose Road
 Kolkata(W.B)        :- For Information and N/A please.
2.   The DDG/NG         :- For Information please and N/A please.
3.       The Dir/NG           :- For information and N/A please.

Sunday, 26 May 2019


National Defence Group-B- Gazetted Officers Association
Ref no- NDGBGOA/CEC/Min/2019                                                        Date- 04/05/2019    
Sub:     Minutes of Central Executive Committee Meeting of NDGBGOA  held on 04th May’ 2019 at O.L.F. Dehradun.
          The Central Executive Committee meeting of NDGBGO Association was held on 04th May’2019 at OLF, Dehradun. The inauguration ceremony was held at  12.30 hours on 04th May 2019 as per the schedule. The following Chief Guest/Guest and other Guests were present during Inaugural Function.
1)         S/Shri, S.S.M.S Maricar, IOFS, OITC, OLF, Dehradun  -Chief Guest  
2)           Shri . Raj Kumar Purohit, Minister of State, Uttarakhand, as  a Special Guest                        
3)           Shri   Vinod Tyagi ,Retired JWM/OFD, as a Guest
                          The Chief Guest and Special Guest Welcomed to the dais & greeted by NDGBGOA Branch/OLF along with President and General Secretary (CE).. Shri S.S.M.S Maricar               OITC, OLF, Dehradun also honored with Flower Bouquet by the branch Office bearers. The President & General Secretary of NDGBGOA honored with a Flower bouquet by the branch office bearers. Shri Rajkumar Purohit, Minister of State, Uttarakhand  also honored with Flower Bouquet by the branch Office Bearers.. Shri. N.K. Singh, JWM/FGK,Zonal Secretary, who is retiring from service in the month of May’ 2019 honored  with Flower Bouquet and Shawl by branch Office bearers. The inaugural Ceremony was carried out by DEEP PRAJWALAN by Chief Guest and other Guests followed by garlanding the Bharath Matha.
            Sri Indresh Kumar, Branch Secretary/NDGBGOA/OLF Branch given his welcome speech and addressed to the gathering and all the delegates of NDGBGOA.
           Shri. Jaigopal Singh, General Secretary/NDGBGOA delivered his inaugural address. He informed to the gathering regarding the recent activities of Cadre related issues at OFB and MOD. He has informed the gathering about recent joint submission of cadre review proposal to the OFB and the other points discussed in the periodical meeting and the continual efforts of association for the betterment of the cadre. He also expressed the association concern about the latest developments about the Organization and the stand of the association. While addressing the gathering he informed that Organization is first and remaining is second. He requested all the JWM's to shoulder the responsibility and bringing the Organization up to highest level in the crucial juncture. The threatening of private participation in Defence sector is challenging to our OFB Organization and we all together take a pledge to strive hard to sustain challenges and work for meeting the goal by increasing qualitative production of Defence needs of the Nation. Finally he expressed that our Association will try its best for the JWM/PS cadre and also in the interest of OFB Organization.          

 The Chief Guest Sri S.S.M.S Maricar, IOFS, OITC, OLF expressed his best wishes for fruitful CEC meeting and welcome all the delegates to OLF Dehradun who reached from all the Ordnance Factories.  He also pointed out that vital role of JWMs & PS cadre in Ordnance Factories. He expressed his concern about that JWM cadre and also stated that the cadre should be respected more in the organization.
Shri. Raj Kumar Purohit, Minister of State, Uttarakhand address the house and stated to work hard for the Ordnance Factory Organisation as a responsible Gazetted cadre (JWM) for the interest of the Nation. He also stated that every one of us should think and work together for the progress and prosperity of our mother land. He welcomes all the delegates and told to visit all the tourist place in Dehradun.
                 Shri. K.C.LAKHERA,JWM, Chairman/OLF Branch tendered his detailed vote of thanks.  He extended his gratitude to OLF, Dehradun Management for their wonderful support and co-operation in all respects to conduct the CEC Meeting at Dehradun. He extended thanks to all the delegates from different Factories for attending the CEC Meeting. The  CEC meeting inaugural session ended with thanks to Shri S.S.M.S Maricar.IOFS, OITC OLF Dehradun, also thanks to Shr Raj Kumar Purohitji, Minister of State, Uttarakhand  Govt. for sparing their valuable time for Inaugural Session of CEC Meeting. The inaugural function ended with National Anthem followed by Lunch.
The NDGBGOA Business Session started at 14:00 hours.
    The following agenda points were discussed in CEC Meeting ON 04/05/19 at OFIL, DEHRADUN. House directed to CE to Take up the following points to MOD and OFB for early Decision.
1) Cadre Review of Group B Cadre should be carried out to make Time bound Promotion/Financial benefits on the line of Atomic energy, DRDO, CSIR  for boost up the morality of the cadre.
     The house unanimously accepted the Joint representation on cadre review proposal which was submitted to OFB on 12/04/2019 . The CEC proposed for introduction of two non-functional up gradation up to Level -11 ( GP of 6600) and Level- 12  (GP- 7600 ) for JWM cadre.
  House unanimously accepted the proposal and suggested to take up the point with OFB and MOD in the forth coming meetings.
2) SRO/RR for JWM (T/NT) should be carried out at the earliest as per DOP&T Guidelines ( DOP&T order No- AB-14017/14/2018-Estt(RR)(31396661 Dated- 08th May,2018).
    The General Secretary informed the progress and latest discussions with OFB in the periodical meeting and it was informed by OFB that Draft SRO for Technical has been approved by OFB and SRO for Non-Tech will be submitted to MOD very Shortly.



   The House has shown its displeasure on discrepancy in Promotion from CM to JWM and JWM to JWM(SG). It was brought to the notice that there is an inter-trade disparity (Difference) by 7-8 years in Promotion from CM to JWM and there is an inter-trade disparity (Difference) by 10-12 years in Promotion from JWM to JWM(SG). Most sufferer cadre is Electrical and next is Chemical.
      In this regard, House unanimously resolved to take up the issue with OFB for posting of JWM and JWM(SG) in Section related to their trade without any discrepancy.
4) Regularisation during strike period by Special Casual leave.
       The CEC had elaborately discussed the point. GS explained that the matter was already taken up with OFB and sent a letter in this regard. The CEC suggested to take up the point with OFB again and if required the same to be raised to higher levels.
5)  Career Progression of PS/SR.PS cadre in factories should be at par with OFBoard to remove stagnation.
      The General Secretary stated that in the last periodical meeting which was  held in4th  April 2019, OFB agreed to study the PS cadre career progression in line with OFB and MOD. The Member/Per agreed to form a Committee to study and submit the report.
6. Promotion from JWM to AWM for the period of 2014 to 2019 to be carried out without any further delay.
 GS explained to the house about the submission of DPC proposal to MOD and the file with MOD. He also explained that the MOD will clear the same within a month.
7. Discipline wise Feeder cadre percentage quota should be fixed for AWM/JTS post.
    There was an elaborate discussions taken place. The members stated that due to the present system some disciplines were gainers and some were losers.  The CEC suggested that percentage quota to be calculated with scientific method and vacancies to be filled accordingly. It was informed by GS that OFB has prepared in the new SRO for IOFS cadre in the line with Discipline wise Feeder Cadre Vacancy.
8) Duties and Responsibilities to be published for JWM (Tech and Non Tech) at the earliest as decided in last three meetings.
     The GS explained to the house that last periodical meeting Member/Per accepted to publish the duties of JWM within a short span. All the JWM(SG) has to be posted as HOS in the factories without any discrepancy.

9. New Transfer Policy should be made with consultation of Stake holder. Date of Transfer as decided by OFB should be strictly followed. Mutual Transfer of JWM and PS should be considered by OFB.
In this regard, Association has submitted its proposed policy and it was informed in the last periodical meeting that  all the combined policy will be put up to DGOF by OFB/NG for finalization.
10) Arbitrary transfer of JWM to be stopped and five Office bearres of Branch and CE should be protected from transfer as per MOD,D(JCM) order no- 09(03)/2018-D(JCM) Dated- 26/10/2018.
In this regard, CE has already sent Letter to OFB and discusses not to make any arbitrary transfer without any proper policy.
11) Discrimination in posting of Head of Section may be stopped in Factories.
   It was brought to the notice of House that, Head of Units are posting HOS in Factories without following Seniority.
12) Option for promotion from CM to JWM like MCM to Chargeman.
   In this regard CE has taken up the point with OFB for further action.
13) Fixation of merging post should be done as per Revised grade pay like CM-I&CM-II post merged  and placed Rs. 6500x1.8= 12090(Minimum) and AF and JWM merged and placed Rs. 7450x 1.86=13,860 (Minimum).
It was informed to House that, Naval Department has appeal in Honorable High Court. After any decision CE will take up the point at OFB and MOD.
14) Granting of 5400 GP in Level -9 to all JWM irrespective of Promotion or MACP after completion of four year in pay level- 8.
 In this regard it was informed that, Custom Department has granted GP- 5400 PB-II for those have got 4800 GP either in Promotion or MACP. CE has taken up the issue and direct NDGBGOA,OFI Branch for further action.
15) Incentive to Group B Gazetted Officer.
In this regard it was informed that, OFB is waiting for approval from MOD for Incentive Scheme for Examinor. Once it is approved, then Incentive of rest of the cadre will be forwarded.
In this regard, House unanimously decided to take up at OFB for implementation of   suggestion by  Price waterhouse coopers company in Ordnance Factory Organisation.
17) Filling of Vacancy post in Chargeman (Promotion, LDCE and DR) to be filled at the earliest as there are many vacancies in Chargeman Cadre.
In this regard, CE has taken up at OFB for early filling of vacancy. Advertisement for nearly 600 post of Chargeman is expected shortly.
18) JWM(SG) should be operated W.E.F 01/01/2016-
In this regard, CE has taken up with Member,Personnel for further action.
19) Separate Training Program For JWMs and PS-
NEW OFIL, Muradnagar will be earmarked for Training of Group B Gazetted Officers.
20) Discrepancy in Seniority list of JWMs-
In this regard, house unanimously directed CE to take up the issue at OFB and to make Seniority in following format in Comnet by which any Discrepancy can be noticed easily.
NAME/Per. No/Unit/Date of CM-II/ Date of CM-I, Date of AF/Date of JWM/Date of JWM(SG).
         Further Shri Abhaya Rajput submitted his Treasurer report(From April 2018 to 03/05/2018) to the house and the House unanimously accepted the treasurer report with applause. House decided to keep yearly once Office Bearers Meeting and once CEC Meeting. Travelling for President and General Secretary for important meeting will be bear by CE Fund and Other Office Bearers and CEC Members will be carried out by respective branches.
Vote of Thanks
            Shri B.M. Barik PRESIDENT/NDGBGOA extended his heartfelt thanks to all the delegates, organizing committee of OLF Branch and Management of OLF, Dehradun for their kind co- operation for smooth conduction of CEC meeting. He expressed his special thanks to the organizers for their day & night hard work to make the CEC meeting a grand success.
           The CEC 2019 of NDGBGOA ended with National Anthem.
           Thanking You,

                                -Sd-                                                                -Sd-                         
                          (B.M.BARIK)                                         (JAIGOPAL SINGH)
              President/NDGBGOA/CE                    GENERAL SECRETARY/NDGBGOA/CE

Wednesday, 1 May 2019


CEC Meeting CIRCULAR-19                                           Date:-18-04-2019
       All  Office Bearers(CE) ,
      CEC Members of NDGBGOA.

 Dear Brothers, |
          It is here by informed to all the CE Office Bearers and CEC members that, the CEC meeting of our Association has been scheduled to be held at OFIL,DEHRADUN,UTTARAKHAND  on 4TH MAY 2019.
            All the CEC members and Office bearers (CE) are requested to attend the meeting without fail. The inaugural session will be started at 1000 Hrs  on 04/05/2019 at OFIL,DEHRADUN. 
            All Office bearers/CEC Members are requested to plan their arrival at OLF,DEHRADUN before scheduled time. All are requested to intimate their arrival , departure and Accommodation to under mentioned office Bearers.

1.            Shri INDRESH KUMAR,JWM/OLF CEC Member,
          Mob- 9412962450, 6397744105.

            It is hereby informed to all the Office bearers/CEC Members to bring levy from their respective Branches (those have not paid levy for 2018-19).

             All Office Bearers/CEC Members are requested to forward Agenda points to the undersigned on or before 30th April 2019 for discussion in the meeting and extend their co-operation   for smooth conduction of   above CEC Meeting please. The most important Agenda Point will be Discussion and decision on Cadre Review of Group B GO and NGOs Cadre in Ordnance factories.
Thanking you,

                                                                                                Yours Brotherly,
           Encl- CEC Meeting Program                                                 -Sd-          
                                                                                               (JAIGOPAL  SINGH )
                                                                                           GENERAL  SECRETARY

Copy to:-
1.            Shri B.M.Barik,President/NDGBGOA(CE)/CFA.

Thursday, 28 March 2019


Ref.No-NDGBGOA/CE/Agenda/2019/03                                    Date-14/03/2019
The Hon’ble DGOF/Chairman
Ordnance Factory Board,                    (FAX No. :  033 – 22489057/22487301)
10A, S.K. Bose Road,
       Kolkatta-700001.                 Kind attention: -  Director/IR

              Sub:  Submission of Agenda points for discussion in periodical meeting.
                                        With reference to the above, following agenda points may be included for discussion in the Periodical meeting please. Action taken report on old long pending unresolved issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted Officers to be informed in the meeting.
                                         Agenda points for discussion are as under:-

         Agenda points  for discussion in Periodical Meeting
 Review of old points which was discussed in periodical meeting on 03/10/2018. Action taken by OF Board may kindly be intimated before taking up new Agenda points.
SIT enquiry for suspicious murder case of SC Khatua ( JWM/GCF) and earliest Compassionate Appointment without any further delay to the family member (NDGBGOA/CE Letter Dated-18/02/2019).
Discrepancy in promotion (CM to JWM) for Electrical Trade in ordnance factory resulting in demoralization of whole Electrical Trade (CM). Electrical Chargeman are well qualified with passing electrical supervisory competency test, but they are neglected to get promotion to JWM which is unjust to the trade. Moreover JWMs are being posted to section in factories without consideration of their trade. Therefore, promotion of all the trade should be considered in equal residential period in Chargeman period.
Immediate implementation of order of Honorable CAT, Cuttack and Supreme court for two JWMs (Electrical) of OFBOL.
Where ever Factory Management has arranged control room outside factory for Group B and Group A Gazetted Officers, attendance should be regularized as per previous practice of OFB.
Cadre Review of Group B Cadre should be carried out to make Time bound Promotion/Financial benefits on the line of Atomic energy, DRDO, CSIR  for boost up the morality of the cadre. When OFB is ready to develop product by in-house RD activities and produce the same, Cadres also should be made at par with DRDO.
Promotion from JWM to AWM for the period of 2014 to 2019 to be carried out without any further delay.
Discrimination should be removed In fixing AWM Promotion quota.   Discipline wise Feeder cadre percentage quota should be fixed for AWM/JTS post.
 Duties and Responsibilities to be published for JWM (Tech and Non Tech) at the earliest as decided in last three meetings.
New Transfer Policy should be made with consultation of Stake holder. Date of Transfer as decided by OFB should be strictly followed. Mutual Transfer of JWM and PS should be considered by OFB at the earliest.
SRO/RR for JWM (T/NT) should be carried out at the earliest as per DOP&T Guidelines ( DOP&T order No- AB-14017/14/2018-Estt(RR)(31396661 Dated- 08th May,2018)
Arbitrary transfer of JWM to be stopped and five Office bearres of Branch and CE should be protected from transfer as per MOD,D(JCM) order no- 09(03)/2018-D(JCM) Dated- 26/10/2018.
Discrimination in posting of Head of Section may be stopped in Factories. Senior JWMs of the factory should be posted in the Section of their Discipline as Head of Section which is not followed by General Managers of Factories. In this regard OFB should issue instruction to all Factories for strict compliance of the above.
 Those are not feeling competent to take over charge of higher responsibility of JWM (Group B Gazetted) or JWM(SG) may kindly given Opportunity of Option for forgoing their promotion as followed for MCM to Chargeman.
Fixation of merging post should be done as per Revised grade pay like CM-I&CM-II post merged  and placed Rs. 6500x1.8= 12090(Minimum) and AF and JWM merged and placed Rs. 7450x 1.86=13,860 (Minimum) but their fixation was not done as per Rule. Hence recently passed Ernakulam Cat order OA No. 180/00569/2014 dtd 3rd April 2018 for Naval (Civilian) may be implemented in OFB.
Ordnance Factories are facing Competition with private player but Factories are not taking timely action against the employees those are disturbing the working atmosphere of factories by violating CCS conduct rule. It should be strictly followed in all Ordnance factories for improving the discipline of all factories.
Incentive to Group B Gazetted Officer may kindly be considered and finalized at the earliest which has been taken up by Association for last four year.
Filling of Vacancy post in Chargeman (Promotion, LDCE and DR) to be filled at the earliest as there are many vacancies in Chargeman Cadre
Career Progression of PS/SR.PS cadre in factories should be at par with OFBoard to remove stagnation.
Separate Training Program For JWMs and PS should be started   in NADP instead of OFIL since they are belonging to  Gazetted cadre
Publication of Gazette Notification for JWM Cadre.
JWM(SG) should be operated W.E.F 01/01/2016 as decided in the last meeting.
LDCE should be in entry level of JWM not in JWM(SG)as per Existing SRO.
NOC for passport/Visa for visit foreign countries are being delayed for Group B Gazetted Officers. The time for completion of this process to be reduced in a time bound manner.
Provision of Computer with internet facilities in HOS Office and PRESIDENT and General Secretary (CE) office.        
Provision of Computer with internet facilities in HOS Office and President (CE) and General Secretary (CE) Office.
Promotions to be considered for Chargeman those have acquired qualification without prior NOC from the department.
Other Points with permission of chair.
  Thanking you,
                                               Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                                        -Sd-                                                   -Sd-    
                       (B.M.BARIK)                                       (JAIGOPAL SINGH)
              President/NDGBGOA/CE               GENERAL SECRETARY/NDGBGOA/CE