Friday, 28 September 2018


Ref. No-NDGBGOA/CE/JWM- SG/ 2018/09                            Date- 28/09/2018
 The Chairman & DGOF,
 Ordnance Factory Board,                            
  0-A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkatta - 700001. 
Sub: Recruitment Rules for the post of Junior Works Manager (SG)/Technical and Works Manager (SG)/Non-Technical.

Ref: i) OFB Letter no.100/MISC/SRO/REV/GR.B/TECH/PER/NG Dated 12-09-2018.
      ii) OFB Letter no.100/MISC/SRO/REV/GR.B/TECH/COMMITTEE Dated 17-09-2018.
     iii) OFB Letter no.100/MISC/SRO/REV/GR.B(NT)/PER/NG Dated 05-09-2018

Respected Sir,

With reference to above subject and after prolong years waiting to initiate revisions in old/existing SRO’s for Gr. ‘B’ supervisory cadre exist in OFB Organization. It is appreciated that steps has been taken to integrate provisions of existing RRs of CM/JWM (Tech) in to one comprehensive SRO and incorporate JWM (SG)/Tech post in level ‘8’ in pay matrix created through G.S.R. 592(E) dated 15-06-2017 issued by MoF (DoE). It is also appreciated that steps has been taken parallel to initiate process of making comprehensive SRO of Gr. ‘B’ Non-Technical cadre. In this process we are keen to invite your kind attention towards the following factual conditions please.
Ordnance Factories Organization is a Military industrial manufacturing unit consists of 41 Factories spread all over India. It is a departmentally run organization under Ministry of Defence headed by OF Board. At present approximately one Lakh employees are exists in the Organization. 95% of its employees are employed in manufacturing unit in 41 Ordnance Factories. Each Ordnance Factory is working as separate identical manufacturing industry. All the Ordnance factories are governed by Factory Act & Industrial Rules.The prime customers of this purely industrial organization of ‘Indian Ordnance Factories’ are the Indian Armed Forces, Central Paramilitary Forces and State Police Forces in respect of Arms, Ammunition, Clothing’s, Bullet Proof Vehicles and Mine Protected Vehicles etc.
Now the OFB Organization requires computing with international open market and local market for throughout their products range. In this organization basic technology knowledge with core competent professional’s are requires as Managers. The personnel’s having basic technology knowledge with number of years experience from root-process activities to requisite outcome and trouble shutting capacity are the core competent professional’s. So, in the organization requires basic field wise promotion lines from Supervisory level to top level Managerial post as there are in worldwide industrial organizations. The system should be there so that each employee entered in any field can achieve better career progression as per his inbuilt capabilities.
In the OFB Organization Managerial level entry post is filled through UPSC exams based on only academic qualifications, without any industrial work experience. As 99% officers are coming through this process and not recruited for specifically such particular industrial environment. They become direct bosses for vast experienced and core competent supervisory cadre employees of particular department/section and there after they got transferred to different departments before getting the adequate basic information. There are seven career progression posts in the same tenure for Group ‘A’ posts whereas Supervisory Gr. ‘B’ cadre employees stagnated in same position. The Group B Gazetted Officers are being posted as Head of Section (HOS)) and shoulder the whole responsibility of Production, Safety, Quality and Administration of Different Sections. Till today Jr. Works Manager (JWM) in each factory directly reporting to General Manager of Factory in the meetings after having five posts in-between them proves the importance of these most experienced and actual working employees.
For better performance of this industrial organization there should be separate streams for each discipline from Chargeman (CM) to Additional General Manager (AGM) so that proper representation to each discipline at each level will be there for better problem resolving and decision making capability. There after common seniority for promotion to General Manager and above posts should be maintained.
In year 1993 the post of Foreman, Group ‘C’ in the pay scale of Rs. 2375-3500, in the Ordnance Factories was reclassified as Jr. Works Manager, Group ‘B’ Gazetted without any financial up gradation as Foreman takes more pay than AWM. In the year 1996 Comprehensive SRO of Supervisory cadre namely Group ‘C’ Supervisory and Non-gazetted cadre (Recruitment and conditions of service) Rules’1989 from Chargeman-II to Foreman was reframed and SRO 182 for the post of Jr. Works Manager in ordnance factories got in existence. Up to 2006 Supervisory cadre is having minimum 4 promotional avenues without more scope to enter in higher Managerial level. But In the year 2008, after implementation of 6th CPC four posts in supervisory cadre are got merged in only two posts of Pay Band II. Practically these two posts are given common replacement scale of lower pay scale having different grade pays viz 4200, 4600, 4800 & 5400. Though there was having four pay scale structure for Gr. ‘B’ employees in 6th CPC the OFB organization supervisory cadre got shrink to lower two posts leaving the upper two posts. At the same time Master Craftsman in Artisans cadre placed in GP 4200 equivalent to Chargeman i.e. lowest post in supervisory cadre and one level below to apex post in supervisory cadre i.e. JWM with all allowances and monetary benefits. Now the apex post in supervisory cadre (JWM) is enforced to take all extra responsibilities of managerial nature along with practical responsibilities of supervisory tasks by drawing lower net pay (pay and perks) than their subordinates. In 7th CPC new pay level and pay matrix system is introduced. In this pay level and pay matrix system from level 6 to level 9 there is having single ladder of pay stages made by converting lower pay scale of PB-II with 3% increment at each stage and starting at each next level of promotional post from the stage get after minimum residential period in years of feeder post. Hence most of the employees getting single increment hike in basic after promotions in Gr. ‘B’ cadre. Here when Master Craftsman in Artisans cadre in level ‘6’ of pay matrix get promotion to Chargeman in same level ‘6’ of pay matrix, he is getting same monetary benefits as Chargeman in supervisory cadre gets after promotion to JWM post.
After declaration of 7th CPC Report in year 2016, in the recommendations of 7th CPC they noticed that the avenues for progression for the JWM cadre are indeed extremely limited. Accordingly they recommended total pool of posts in GP 4200 and GP 4600 ten percent should be earmarked to be placed in GP 4800. Hence as per recommendation all employees in GP 4200 and GP 4600 are requires to be taken in account (including MCM of Artisans cadre and OS of Non Industrial Employees cadre) for calculation of Selection grade JWM post.  To remove the prolong stagnation of senior most employees in JWM cadre as recommended by 7th CPC, in anticipation of SRO for the post initially 100% strength of newly incorporated Selection grade JWM post are to be filled by promotion as per incorporating of new post during restructuring of cadre of Artisans staff in defence establishments in modification of 6th CPC vide OFB letter No. 01/CR/Vol-II/A/I/658/I, Dated 05-08-2011. Thereafter promotions are to be made as per framed SRO.

For better combination of qualification and practical work cultural experience, entry level posts are required in every organization. If some higher educated employees are allowed to enter at entry level posts of cadre by direct recruitment and LDCE are considered to maintain functional as well as structural requirements of organization. But if the same kind of entry i.e. by direct recruitment and LDCE is allowed at every post in cadre then it will demoralize the true devoted employees who always concentrating on functions of present organizational requirements and at the same time who concentrate on examination by strengthening the academic requirements get promoted to higher posts irrespective of contribution to present functional requirements.  There are only single entry level posts in Artisans Cadre, Gr. ’A’ cadre, NIE cadre then why it requires for each post in Gr. ‘B’ cadre. If OFB and MoD justify it as 7th CPC requirement then we can give example of 6th CPC in which only GP 2800 was suggested for Master Craftsman post and Restructuring of Cadre of Artisans Staff in Defence Establishments are made by modification of recommendation of 6th CPC. In DRDO an establishment in defence ministry the Artisans cadre structure is as similar as OFB organization but technical staff cadre (supervisory) structure of that organization is different than Supervisory cadre (Technical Staff) in OFB Organisation. Why not OFB’s technical staff’s (supervisory cadre) are getting same monetary benefits and similar career progression prospects at par with DRDO Technical Staff cadre, though OFB’s supervisory cadre having more accountability and responsibility. Now a day’s OFB is downing in-house R&D activities like DRDO without scientist cadre in this organization along with regular set production.
            It is also proposed from NDGBGOA side that for Mechatronics, IT and Instrumentation streams also to be introduced separately in the new SRO and these posts also to be recruited for the Organizational interest for future needs.
In Gr. B cadre there should be time bound career progression with individual assessment on performance and achievements basis.

As directed by MoD and OFB, NDGBOA association as Stake Holders association submits our views and opinions for draft SRO of Technical stream enclosed at annexure ‘A’ and Non-Technical stream enclosed at annexure ‘B’.     
Sir, it is humbly requested that kindly look in to the above and take appropriate decisions for up keeping the moral of our cadre and betterment of organisation.
Encl: Annexure ‘A’ & ‘B’
Thanking You,
                                                        Yours faithfully,
                     -Sd-                                                                                             -Sd-
     (P.D. KENJALE)                                                  (S. CHANDRAKANTH RAO)
Representative of NDGBGOA                                  Representative of NDGBGOA
   Joint Secretary (CE)                                                 Office Secretary (CE)

Monday, 17 September 2018


Dear members,
  OFB has published the JWM(SG) cadre on 13/09/2018. It is felt that there is frustration in JWM cadre regarding the promotion which is more among Technical cadre.
Our association has put its best effort in front of 7th CPC before finalization its report. On behalf of NDGBGOA there was demand for placing JWM in 5400 GP in PB-III. But MoD has recommended the cadre to be placed in minimum 4800-GP at par with Gazetted officers in Railway and DAD and above its there should be two cadre of 5400GP in PB-II (Section Manager, SG-II) and 5400 GP in PB-III (Sr. Section Manager, SG-I) without considering it for MACP.  Queries from 7th CPC and reply from MoD are enclosed here for your reference. Moreover, NDGBGOA has demanded for   Factory/Industrial allowance of 15% in PB+ GP for all the Gazetted Officers working in Ordnance factories which was not accepted and recommended by MoD.      Finally 7th CPC has published its recommendation and made every JWM in a deprived position. The recommendation was  as follows.
i. Of the total pool of posts in GP 4200 and GP 4600, ten percent should be earmarked to be placed in GP 4800.
ii. The posts in GP 4800 should be filled up from personnel in GP 4200 and GP 4600 in the following manner:           
70 percent of such earmarked posts should be filled up through promotion
from GP 4600;
30 percent should be filled up through a Limited Departmental
Competitive Examination in which employees from both GP 4200 and GP
4600 would be eligible to compete. This will enable deserving and
meritorious employees at GP 4200 to jump GP 4600 and go directly to GP
4800 [level 8].                                                                                                                     
iii. 80 percent of the employees in GP 4800, will be eligible for non-functional upgrade to level 9 [GP 5400 (PB-2)] upon completion of four years in level 8, on a seniority-cum-suitability basis.
     After 7th CPC recommendation the Association has tried its best to change the recommendation at MoD. There was a meeting with Additional Secretary (DP) on 30th September 2016 in which she has not accepted our demand and told that on behalf of MoD we have recommended better pay structure to 7th CPC but Pay commission has not accepted that for which at this stage nothing can be done.

         After that our Association has studied all the possible way how to benefit the cadre and accordingly made a proposal to make more JWM(SG) cadre as per Gazette notification for giving promotional opportunities to the junior JWMs. NDGBGOA tried to see all the possibilities and found that as per Gazette notification, all the 4200 GP should be counted for creation of new post of JWM(SG). Accordingly NDGBGOA proposed for counting MCM post for creating JWM(SG-Technical) post for increasing 1400 number of post. Accordingly there would have nearly 3000 JWM(Technical (SG) post which would have benefitted to Junior JWMs of Technical. All the JWMs promoted by 2010 would have got JWM(SG/Technical). But in this regard we have taken up with MOD and explained the fact and MoD was also convinced. But it is deeply regretted that OFB was against the proposal of considering MCM strength and in all the meeting OFB Official were not agreed to our proposal. Similarly our parallel Association has not supported the proposal of inclusion of MCM. More over Chargeman Association has given representation against our proposal. Even today our CE has representing in all forum for considering  MCM strength to make JWM(SG-Technical) cadre.
As per Gazette notification
        Of the total pool of posts in GP 4200 and GP 4600, ten percent should be earmarked to be placed in GP 4800.
    It does not says regarding feeder cadre only to be counted for the number of JWM(SG) cadre. Therefore MCM could be considered as it carries GP of 4200.
 Many persons got confusion and interoperate that MCM will be considered for promotion to JWMs. But according to the notificcation
     30 percent should be filled up through a Limited Departmental
Competitive Examination in which employees from both GP 4200 and GP
4600 would be eligible to compete. This will enable deserving and
meritorious employees at GP 4200 to jump GP 4600 and go directly to GP
4800 [level 8].
    MCM could have appeared for LDCE Exam for SG cadre not for promotion as there is a incremental benefit from MCM to Chargeman Promotion. Moreover if any MCM would have compete in LDCE for getting JWM(SG Technical) what is the wrong in it. At present many person are well qualified which should be kept in the organization for better carrier prospect as well as development in organization with expertisation.

    In this regard if all the Association and Federation would have supported then today JWM(SG-Technical) we would have got Approximately 3123 (present1723 post + 1400 If MCM would have considered) total post of JWm(SG Technical) would have made. By this JWM/Technical upto 2010 also would have got promotion to JWM(SG Technical).
But now JWM(Technical) those have got promotion in the year 2007 they have only got SG promotion without any financial benefit as all have got their MACP. In Non Technical and Store side some person has got financial benefit and the JWM upto 2013 was taken for promotrion.

  Now, NDGBGOA has taken up the matter at Honorable CAT,Madras Bench to increase the strength of JWM(SG-Technical) by adding 10% of MCM strength as per Gazette Notification. If we will win in the case then Junior JWMs will be benefitted and in the same way Number of post at Level 09 will be increased.
     Next NDGBGOA will take followings in priority  basis for JWM cadre as follows.
1.      Increasing in JWM(SG_Technical) upto 3100 Number through Court case.
2.      Increasing in strength in Level-9 upto 2420 Number.
3.      One time filling of all the post without LDCE till the approval of SRO.
4.      Cadre restructuring at par with DRDO Technical Cadre.  
    Senior JWM(Technical) who are functioning as HOS may give their representation to The DGOF regarding  the JWM(SG) promotion please.
Let us hope that we will succeed in our demand.          

         PRESIDENT                                                            GENERAL SECRETARY             
       NDGBGOA/CE                                                           NDGBGOA/CE  


Sunday, 19 August 2018


                      Ref. No-NDGBGOA/CE/RM/MEMO/2018/07                                Date- 05/08/2018
1.        The Hon’ble Defence Minister
                          Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence,
                          South Block ,  New Delhi.110011.
2.      The Hon’ble Minister of state for Defence,
Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence,
South Block ,  New Delhi.110011.
           Sub:- Request for  settlement of long pending Grievances of Group’B’ Gazetted
                   Officers of Ordnance Factories- Reg.
           Ref:- 1.  Meeting at Office of Honorable Defence Minister with our Assn 
                      (NDGBGOA) on 30-06-2015.  
                    2. Meeting with Member/Per/OFB on 12-12-2014 at OFB, Kolkata.  
                    3. Review Meeting with JS (LS)/MoD (DDP) on 24-09-2015 at MOD, New Delhi.
                    4. Periodical  Meeting with Member/Per 01-04-2015 at OFB, Kolkata..
                    5. Periodical  Meeting  with Member/Per on 16-11-2015 at OFB, Kolkata.
                    6. Periodical Meeting with Member/Per on   16-05-2016 at OFB, Kolkata.
                    7. Meeting held with Addl. Secrertary (DP)  on 31-08-2016 at MOD.
                    8. Periodical Meeting with Member/Per on   19-05-2017 at OFB, Kolkata.
                    9. Periodical Meeting with Member/Per on   13/10/2017 at OFB Kolkata.,
                   10. Meeting held with Jt. Secrertary (LS) on 20/01/17 at MOD,New Delhi.    
                    11.  Meeting held with Jt. Secrertary (LS) on 12/12/17 at MOD, New Delhi.
                    12. Meeting with MOD and OFB Official on 07/03/2018 at OFB,Kolkata.
Respected Madam,
                       The Central Executive Committee of this Association has taken up the genuine and long pending burning issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted Officers of Ordnance factories  in all the forum  at  MOD as well as OFB for an earlier solution but our pleads were not resolved for the last three year. This clearly shows that OFB as well as MOD are not serious for resolving the Grievances of Group B Gazetted Officers. It is deeply regretted that, in all the meeting Assurance were given by the decision making body of OFB and MOD but no action were taken for resolving the important cadre related issues. The JWM Cadre in Ordnance factories placed in the level-7 (GP-4600) and used to retire in the same cadre without any promotional avenue except MACP. The Group B cadre in Ordnance Factory organisation, those are really technical experts about the existing plant, machinery and productivity of Ordnance Factories are neglected for the last two decades without any Promotional avenue and financial benefit.   
                              It is deeply regretted that 5th and 6th CPC has demoralized the middle management cadre due to merging the cadres without any financial benefit. OFB has not made any cadre restructuring for group B cadre for last two decades..7th CPC has introduced one more cadre with
                        Negligible strength between JWM and JTS cadre. The promotional prospect from JWM to JTS is 41:1 ratio which is negligible for which very few JWM gets promotion to AWM just before their retirement.
         Moreover this cadre does not have any forum to address the Grievance of the cadres like Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) Forum.  In JCM forum, Group ‘A’ Officers are representing from Officials side and Non Gazetted employees are from staff side but there is no representation from Group B Gazetted Officers which results in the deprived position of the cadre. No opportunity has been assigned to Group B Gazetted Officers to express and short out their grievances.     Therefore, this Association is constrained to pray for the intervention of the Honorable Defence Minister in the following matter to undo the injustice that has persisted for decades.     
i)                    DPC for AWM (JTS) Promotion:- Promotion from JWM to AWM(JTS0 is pending in Ordnance factories for the last three years but Direct recruitment in the post of JTS are being continued by OFB. Many JWMs were retired during this period without any promotion. Therefore, Promotions from JWM to AWM should be effected at the earliest without any further delay.
ii)                   Publication of corrected Seniority List of JWM Cadre-  It is observed that the seniority list of only JWM cadre has not corrected by OFB till date. There are many court cases against the seniority list due to many discrepancies and time to time change in seniority list policy by OFB without following DOP&T guide lines. Without proper seniority list no further promotion can be operated by OFB. Therefore Seniority List of JWMs which has got many discrepancies and not being corrected for a long time should be corrected and published at the earliest.
iii)                Increasing in JWM (SG) /Technical Cadre as per Gazette Notification and functional requirement of Ordnance Factories:- It is observed that the JWM(SG) Technical Strength in Ordnance factories has been prepared by OFB against Gazette Notification and exact functional requirement in an industrial organization. This Association has taken up the matter at OFB and MOD level many times but OFB is not Considering to take all the existing 4200 GP for calculating the JWM(SG) Technical Strength. Therefore, it is requested to increase JWM(SG)/Technical Strength as per Gazette notification without misinterpreting.
iv)                Revised Transfer Policy as per DOP&T Guidelines:- The current Transfer Policy of JWM/PS should be withdrawn as it is not as per any Government Guide lines. Revised Transfer Policy should be made for JWM/PS by OFB with due consultation of stake holders at the earliest.
v)                  Cadre restructuring of Group B Cadre in Ordnance Factories:- There was no Cadre Restructuring in Ordnance Factories by OFB for Middle management cadres for making proper promotional avenue for last three decades. In 2012 Cadre restructuring committee submitted its report but OFB has kept it aside and not materialize the same. Therefore, it is requested that Cadre restructuring of Group B Cadre in Ordnance Factories should be made in such a way to give at least five promotional avenues at par with DRDO, DAE.
vi)                Cadre Review of PS cadre in Factories as par with PS cadre in OFB HQ:- The working hours(06 Days) and responsibility of PS cadres of Ordnance Factories are more than the PS cadre of OFB Head Quarter. Therefore, cadre review of PS cadres should be made at par with OFB Head Quarter at the earliest please.  
vii)              Publication of Duties and Responsibilities of JWM Cadre in Ordnance Factories-
Duties and Responsibilities of Group ‘A’ Cadre in Ordnance factories had been published by OFB in 2008 in which AWM and WM are assigned the duty of HOS but actually JWM is performing the duty. Similarly for Medical and Paramedical Staff it has been published in 2002. Association is continuously demanding for publication of Duties and Responsibilities of JWM Cadre but OFB has not yet all published the same. JWMs are assigned job like LDC, UDC, and Supervisor without any subordinate staff without any allowances. Therefore, Duties and Responsibilities of JWM Cadre in Ordnance factories should be published by OFB at the earliest.          
viii)            Risk Allowance for CM and JWM Cadres:- It is observed that Chargeman as well as JWMs are affected in the hazardous operation for any untoward incident but are denied for risk allowance.
Therefore, Risk Allowance may kindly be extended to CM & JWM those are working in Hazardous operation and wherever IEs are eligible to get.     
ix)                Incentive to JWM Cadre:- The Incentive Scheme Committee which has formed by OFB has not yet submitting their report for a long time. The Group B Gazetted cadres are not granted any allowances and PLB even after fully involvement in Production, Planning, Safety and Quality. Therefore, Incentive scheme for JWM Cadre may kindly be implimented in OFB for boosting the morale of the cadre.
x)                  Provision of grievance redressal mechanism for Group B Gazetted Officers – Group B Gazetted Officers  do not have participation in Joint Consultative Machinery(JCM) scheme as a result long pending issues are not getting resolved. OFB as well as MOD are not serious to take care of the grievances of Group B Gazetted Officers. Therefore it is requested make a mechanism with a periodical meeting for resolving the long pending issues of Group B Gazetted Officers of Ordnance Factories in a time bound manner.
xi)                Implementation of Pay Fixation for CM and JWM Cadre in Ordnance Factories:-
         As per the Honorable CAT, Ernakulam Bench, the Pay Fixation ordered by Honorable CAT, Ernakulam should be implemented in OFB according by Chargeman should be fixed at minimum RS 12090/- and JWMs should be fixed at minimum RS 13860/-w.e.f. 01.01.2006.       

xii)              Training of JWM s at NADP:- Ordnance Factories is a industrial Organisation where Proper HRD Policy to be monitored. But it is deeply regretted that Group B Gazetted cadres were given training in OFILs along with their subordinate staff (LDC,UDC, OS, Chargeman) and the quality of training is not upto the mark. Therefore, it is requested to give training to all the gazette officers (JWM and PS) at NADP for a better HRD policy.                                                   
        Hon’ble Defence Minister is requested for his kind intervention and necessary direction for resolving all the above important long pending burning issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted cadre in a time bound manner without any further delay please. NDGBGOA is eagerly waiting for an early favorable response from your end.
Thanking  You,
                                                                                                        Yours faithfully.
                                                                                                    (JAIGOPAL SINGH   )
                                                                                                      General Secretary
Copy to-
3.      The Secretary/MOD/DP
5.      The Joint Secretary/LS/MOD/DP