Monday, 17 July 2017


          Ref. No-NDGBGOA/CE/Rev.Strength/ 2017/07                      Date- 17/07/2017
     The Chairman & DGOF,
     Ordnance Factory Board,                            
    10-A, S.K.Bose Road,
                      Kind Attn.- Shri. S.C.BAJPAYEE, Honorable DGOF & Chairman                                           
         Sub: Revised Strength of JWM (SG) in Level-08-reg.
          The Central Executive Committee meeting of this Association held on 23rd and 24th June 2017 at CFA. There was a threadbare discussion on the Gazette Notification (PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) No. 490] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017) regarding the number of JWM post in the level-08.The house unanimously decided to address the following proposal depending upon the functional requirement of JWM(SG) in the level 08  for Ordnance Factories organization. Your kind consideration and necessary further action to Ministry is requested at the earliest.

It is understood that OFB prepared a proposal for Revision of hierarchy of                   Group-B (G/NG) Cadre in ordnance Factories organization based on the 7th CPC recommendation.To justify the need for Revision of hierarchy of Group-B, it was clearly mentioned in point 8 that
Quote It is also pertinent to place that the ordnance Factories primarily being production Units whose main body of work is carried out on the shop-floor, the command and control structure required is very different from that of a traditional office set-up. After the implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC merger of AF (T)/FM (NT/OTS)/SH and JWMs, has brought about amalgamation of two types of duties and responsibilities which are distinctly different and dissimilar and has led to major problems of basic nature in functional management of production in ordnance Factories organization. The strength in the grade of JWM has increased to such an extent that there is a problem of command and control in the level of shop floor.
Given the pivotal role played by the "Head of section" in shop-floor management in a manufacturing organization like ordnance Factories organization, deserves placement in higher level commensurate with the responsibilities he shoulders towards Defence production. The proposed post of JWM (selection Grade) would be vested with such responsibilities and he would be entrusted to manage and control several others in Work-Place. Unquote

 The proposal is

JWM Selection Grade  (T)
will be 10 % of Total
JWM Selection Grade  (NT) will be 10 % of Total
JWM Selection Grade  (T)
JWM Selection Grade  (NT)

           Form this it is clear that 56% of Existing JWM (NT) and only 24% of Existing JWM(T) will be promoted to Level 8 in Pay Matrix in the proposed structure, which is not in line with the functional requirement of the organisation.

We welcome the proposal for considering OS and CM(NT) with the GP of 4200 and JWM (NT) with the GP of 4600 for deciding number of posts in (GP 4800) Level 8 in Pay Matrix in the proposed structure.
But reducing the existing percentage of technical strength is contradictory to the justification given in point 8 of the proposal.This clearly shows that functional requirement of the organization was not considered. This proposal will severely affect the command, control and day to day work carried out on the shop-floor.
          In this regard it is brought to your kind notice that considering the functional requirement of and the pivotal role played by the "Head of section" in shop-floor management in a manufacturing organization like ordnance Factories organization, our association request your good office to prepare a new proposed structure to consider/include MCM (Group-B Non-Gazetted) with a grade pay of 4200 in addition to CM (T) and JWM (T) also for deciding the number of posts in (GP 4800) Level 8 in Pay Matrix of 7th CPC. This will positively meet the functional requirement of the organisation and will have effective command and control in the level of shop floor.
          Further, Seventh CPC also mentioned that the avenues for progression for the JWM cadre are indeed extremely limited. In line with the terms of reference, having regard to rationalization and simplification without affecting the functional requirement of the organisation the commission recommended to consider total pool of posts in GP 4200 and GP 4600, 10% should be earmarked to be placed in(GP 4800) Level 8 in Pay Matrix. So that the proposal will be in such a way that 

JWM Selection Grade (T)
will be 10 % of Total
JWM Selection Grade  (NT) will be 10 % of Total

      Hence the JWM Selection Grade (T) and JWM Selection Grade (NT) will be as below.

JWM Selection Grade (T)
10% of JWM(T), CM(T) and MCM  
JWM Selection Grade (NT)
10% of JWM(NT), CM(NT) and OS 

This is almost near to the existing ratio of Technical and Non-technical strength, which will meet the functional requirement of the organisation

                  Hence to meet the functional requirement of ordnance factories ,to ensure effective monitoring of shop floor activities as mentioned by 7th CPC and OFB by JWM/T cadre since the command and control structure required is very different from that of a traditional office set-up and to maintain technical strength in line with the functional requirement of the organisation, it is once again requested to include MCM (Group-B Non-Gazetted) with a grade pay of 4200 in addition to CM (T) and JWM (T) also for deciding the number of posts in (GP 4800) Level 8 in Pay Matrix of 7th CPC in the proposed structure.

        Therefore, the central Executive Committee request your earliest intervention and necessary action for making the above proposal as per Gazette notification please.
With regards,
                                                                                   Yours Faithfully.

                                                                                   (Jaigopal Singh)
                                                                                General Secretary
Copy to-
1.    Member,Personnel,OFB, Kolkata.
2.    DDG/NG,OFB,Kolkata.
3.    Joint Secretary, LS, South Block,New Delhi.

4.    Under Secretary, Estt(Gazetted), Sena Bhavan,New Delhi

Saturday, 1 July 2017




No- NDGBGOA/CEC/Min/2017-06                                                                   Date: 24/06/2017

            Sub :Minutes of the CEC Meeting held on 23rd  and 24th June 2017 at
                     ‘Cordite Factory  Aruvankadu’.

The CEC Meeting of NDGBGO Association held during 23rd & 24th June‘2017 at Cordite Factory, Aruvankadu.

The Inaugural Ceremony was conducted on 23rd June 2017 at 1830 Hrs. at Cultural Hall in which all the Officers from CFA and allied establishments were present. Following Senior Officials were present in the inaugural function of CEC meeting of NDGBGOA.

1.                  Shri. Manoj Kumar Mohapatra, IOFS,           GENERAL MANAGER/CFA - CHIEF GUEST
2.                  Shri. R. Kumar , IOFS,                                   Joint General Manager/CFA
3.                  Shri Suresh Babu, AQAO,                            SQAE/ME/AVK
4.                  Shri M. Selvam,                                              DLWC           

        The Chief Guest and other Guests were warmly welcomed to the dais by the CFA Branch Office bearers of NDGBGOA.    
The inauguration ceremony started with “Deep Prajavlan” (lightening of lamp) by Chief Guest and Central Executive of NDGBGOA.
President, General Secretary and Joint Secretary paid their homage to the founder of NDNGSA and NDGBGOA Late Shri M.S.HARI JI/Patron with flowers and garlanding.
Shri B.M.Barik Jt. Secretary/CE as well as Branch Secretary welcomed Chief Guest, Guests & Central Executive Committee delegates of the Association. In his welcome speech he explained about the history of Cordite Factory, Aruvankadu.
Shri Jaiopal Singh, General Secretary/NDGBGOA expressed his views about the recent revised Transfer Policy published by OFB for JWM’s and Sr.PS/PS. He expressed that CCS Conduct rules’1964 also added to the recent Transfer policy which is bias and such transfer policy does not exist for Group ‘A’ and other cadres and also in other Central Government Departments. He also expressed regarding the recent development regarding PPP model of Ordnance Factories and requested all the members to work hard for competing with private sectors in the global market. He expressed about the Gazette notification of JWM cadre which is yet to be implemented by OFB.
The President/ NDGBGOA addressed to the gathering and expressed that all of us unite irrespective of Group A, Group B and Group C and strive hard to save our ordnance factories from the threats  by recent implementation of Private Players in defence production by the Central Govt. He also reminded Late Sri Hari ji vision about the future of O.F’s and who started the blog in the name of  “SAVE ORDNANCE FACTORIES” around 1994and published several articles for improvement of work culture and R&D activities in Ordnance Factories Organisation.
Chief Guest Shri. Manoj Kumar Mohapatra , GM/CFA expressed his concern regarding Non-Core Products of ordnance Factories for which we have to compete with private player. He also pointed out that if cost of our products can be reduced then we can compete with any private firms and also advised to gathering that  we all of us have take a challenge for cost reduction in our products in the interest and survival of OrdnanceFactories. He wished to Central Executive Committee for a fruitful discussions and decisions in the meeting which is scheduled at CFA on 24th June 2017.
  Shri P.Tangapandiyan/Office Secretary/CE who has been selected as Assistant Registrar (Group A) at Indian Marine University, Chennai, he extended his heartfelt thanks to the GM/CFA, CE delegates, Organising Committee, Officers and members of CFA. He also expressed his thanks to all the Central Executive Committee for giving opportunity to become CE Office Bearer for last four years. He also thanks to all the NDGBGOA branches of Avadi group of Factories.
            Inaugural Function ended by “National Anthem”.

Business Session on 24th June 2017
         The business session started at 09.00 Hrs at AVK Club on 24/06/2017. The meeting presided by Shr. S.Chandrakanth Rao, President/NDGBGOA. The Central Executive Committee followed one minute mourn for the two employees of AFK/Pune those have lost their life on 15th June 2017 during performing their duty.
          General Secretary submitted his report and explained regarding the recent Gazette notification for JWM cadre. He also expressed that number of vacancies in the level 08 (Grade pay- 4800) should be increased by counting MCM for which OFB has to put up noting to MOD for further action.

He also explained that Central Executive has condemned the recent unconstitutional Transfer policy published by OFB for JWM and PS cadre. In his report he told that now MOD has decided to get non-core item from private companies for which Ordnance factories has to compete with them.

General Secretary explained that JWM should have time bound promotional policy for which we have to go for cadre restructuring like DRDO, ISRO, DAE, ICAR, CSIR department. He told that in today’s meeting we will be discussing and will take a unanimous decision. There after it was discussed and decisions were taken on following Agenda points which was received by CE from different branches.

 General Secretary submitted his report and explained regarding the recent Gazette notification of 7th CPC pertains to JWM cadre. He also expressed that no. of cadre posts in the level 08 (Grade pay- 4800) can be increased by counting MCM strength for which OFB has to put up noting to MOD for further action. He also explained that Central Executive condemned the recently published unconstitutional Transfer policy by OFB for JWM and Sr.PS/PS cadre. In his report he told that now MOD decided to get non- core items from private companies for which Ordnance factories also to compete for orders with them. General Secretary explained that JWM should have time bound promotional policy at par with other Central Govt. Departments for which we have to go the cadre restructure like DRDO, ISRO, DAE, ICAR, CSIR departments. He told that in today’s meeting we will be discussing and we will take unanimous decision and Agenda points to be discussed in the CEC Meeting which was received by CE from different branches of NDGBGOA.
1.                  Review of seniority list of JWM’s.
2.                  Increase in JWM post in  Level-8.
3.                  Rectification of discrepancy in Pay level 6, 7 and 8
4.                  Cadre review of JWM’s ( New Proposal).
5.                  Cadre Review of Sr.PS/PS in Factories.
6.                  DPC for promotion of JTS post.
7.                  Transfer policy of JWM and Sr.PS/PS.
8.                  One time relaxation of LTC cases.
9.                  Recent news on PPP model in ordnance Factories and Association decision.
10.              S.R.O of JWM (Tech & Non Tech).
11.               Increase in JTS Post (AWM).
12.               Incentive Scheme in ordnance Factories for all the cadres.
13.               Discussion on Bunching Increment for JWM cadre.
14.              Discussion/decision on Risk and hard ship Allowances.
15.              Withdrawal of deferment date of promotion order of JWMs.
16.              Discussion/ decision on ‘Electronics trade’.
17.              Review of Hard Station in Ordnance Factories.
18.              Separate training for JWM’s.
19.              General Body meeting at all branches.
20.              Option for pay Fixation.
21.              Publication of Group ‘B’ GO’s name in  Gazette.

1.                  SENIORITY LIST OF JWMS- In this regard, General Secretary informed House that in the last periodical meeting at OFB on 19/05/2017, Member/Per. assured for taking a decision on Revised Seniority list as per DOP&T order dated-4th march 2014. HVF, Avadi has also made a party at Principal Bench New Delhi for which all the branches have to give financial support. Finally, it was decided to get the copy from HVF, Avadi Branch, for contesting at principal bench CE agreed to contribute Rs 10000/- towards this case and requested other branches to contribute for the same.
2.                  INCREASE IN JWM POST IN THE LEVEL 08In this regard CE will take up the matter at OFB and MOD to take the strength of MCM (GP-4200) for increasing in the strength of JWM (Technical) selection grade in level 08 with one time relaxation for filling 100% quota through promotion only. 80% of this proposed post strength should be placed in (GP-5400) Level-9 immediately.  In case of non-acceptance for inclusion of MCM strength, CE will approach court of law.

3.                  DISCREPANCY IN PAY MATRIX LEVEL of 6, 7, 8 OF 7TH CPC In this regard NDGBGOA (CE) taken up THE MATTER with CDRA for projecting the case  IN THE Anomaly Committee for rectification in the pay matrix. Once again it will be taken up with CDRA.

4.                  NEW CADRE REVIEW PROPOSAL FOR JWM CADRE- The House unanimously decided for proposing ‘new cadre review proposal’ at par with Department of Atomic energy, DRDO, ICAR, CSIR for time bound promotion without concentrating on promotional channel to Group A entry of IOFS. For group A entry as IOFS cadre has to compressed in between Level-7 to Level-9 and there are negligible post (188 Posts) in Group A entry at level-10. Even if it increases then also it cannot become more than 300 posts which will not going to solve the promotional prospects of JWMs in proportionate to the strength of JWM’s.
Therefore the House unanimously decided to propose new proposal on cadre review like DAE, DRDO as Technical Officer and Administrative Officer B,C,D,E,F,G to get promotional avenues in the level 7,8,9,10,11,12 without concentrating promotional avenue of Group A entry in Level 10.

5.                  CADRE REVIEW OF Sr.PS/PS CADRE IN ORDNANCE FACTORIES- In this regard House unanimously decided to take up the issue to MoD as well as WITH OFB for making Parity between MOD/OFB Head Quarters and Ordnance Factories. Accordingly Cadre Review proposal for Sr.PS/PS in Ordnance Factories should be sent to OFB.

6.                  DPC FOR PROMOTION TO JTS FROM JWM- As the case is pending in the honourable Supreme Court regarding promotional policy it will be decided after verdict from Honourable Supreme court.

7.                  REVISED TRANSFER POLICY FOR JWM AND SR.PS/PSIn this regard the house condemned the new revised Transfer policy which was published by OFB. In this regard CE already sent a letter to OFB and MoD for withdrawal but till date OFB has not withdrawn the transfer policy. One more letter may be sent to OFB and MOD for withdrawal of the new revised transfer policy and there after Central Executive may approach to Court of law for challenging such transfer policy published by OFB.

8.                  ONE TIME RELAXATION ON AVAILED LTC-  General Secretary informed the house that in the last periodical meeting, it was discussed with OFB officials that case to case verification should be there and after that difference of amount may be recovered. However once again CE will take up the issue with OFB for common guidelines to all factories.

9.                  RECENT NEWS ON PPP MODEL IN ORDNANCE FACTORIES AND ASSOCIATION DECISION- In this regard, there was a thread bare discussion in the House on the future of Ordnance factories. Feedback has been taken from various factories regarding the ordnance products which are being procured by private sectors. It is observed that the products which are decided as non-core items were already being procured from outside trade firms due to low cost. Outsourcing of age-old product components is not the big issue for us as MOD has asked ordnance factories to changeover their products as per users/forces requirement. Now users are demanding advanced technology arms and ammunitions which are presently being imported from foreign countries. Now this becomes big challenge for us to how to convert and upgrade ourselves. It is decided in CE that our R&D department and design department in each factory should be strengthen enough by deploying highly qualified and core area experienced staff in that department with accountability of progress in time frame manners. It is observed that many of the ODC (development centres) and design departments are not equipped with proper manpower resulting in poor performance of establishing new products for ordnance factories. As till date nothing has come from OFB or MoD on Paper regarding PPP model, so CE decided to take proper decision once it has come on paper.
10.              SRO FOR JWM (TECH) AND JWM (NON TECH)-  Central Executive Committee decided to take up the matter with OFB to incorporate the corrections in the proposed New Gazette / SRO forwarded by OFB which is at DOP&T.

11.              INCREASE IN JTS POSTS- The 4th cadre review of IOFS (Group ‘A’) cadre was forwarded to MoD in which it was proposed to increase the sanction strength of JTS from 375 to 663. After acceptance of the proposal the AWM post can be increased.

12.               INCENTIVE SCHEME IN ORDNANCE FACTORIES- In this regard General Secretary informed that one committee had been reconstituted under the Chairmanship of Shri P.K.Srivastava, Addl. DGOF/AV for consider the demand in part-II which includes JWM and PS cadre.

13.              DISCUSSION ON BUNCHING INCREMENT FOR JWM CADRE- In this regard house unanimously decided to take up the issue with OFB and MoD after proper study. Shri. P.D. Kenjole was directed by house for study and forward to CE for further action.
14.                DISCUSSION/DECISION ON RISK AND HARD SHIP ALLOWANCE- In this regard CE explained that as per 7th CPC recommendations CORDITE FACTORY, ARUVANKADU should be granted at minimum R3H2 in the RISK and HARDSHIP matrix recommended by 7th CPC.

15.               WITHDRAWAL OF DEFERMENT DATE OF PROMOTION OF JWM- In this regard General Secretary informed that the Principal Bench decision is yet to come in July, after the verdict, the CE will take up the matter with for further necessary action by OFB.

16.              DISCUSSION AND DECISION ON ELECTRONIC TRADE- In this regard considering the functional requirement of the organisation, the house unanimously decided and directed CE to take up with OFB to separate all discipline. The house unanimously opposed the inclusion of Electronics Discipline in Mechanical Strength and directed CE to have separate seniority for Electronics. Finally, after prolonged discussion the house unanimously decided to have separate seniority for all discipline. 

17.               REVIEW OF HARD STATION IN ORDNANCE FACTORIES- In this regard, President informed that MoD is in the view to include Cordite Factory Aruvankadu as hard Station at par with CGDA and DSC but OFB has not considered the MOD instructions. Therefore CE should take appropriate action at MOD for including the CFA in the list of Hard Station.

18.              SEPARATE TRAINING INSTITUTE FOR JWMS- In this regard House directed CE to take up the matter with OFB and earmark NADP for training of JWMs and further JWMs should be sent for outside premier institutes  for Technical and non-technical courses.
22.              GENERAL BODY MEETING IN ALL THE BRANCHES- All the branches should conduct General Body meeting in their respective Branches as per the Bye Laws.
23.               OPTION FOR PAY FIXATION- The pay fixation for MACP or promotion should be granted in the next increment date or in the date of Promotion /MACP.
24.               PUBLICATION OF GROUP-B GO’S NAME IN GAZETTE: House directed CE to send reminder to MOD/OFB in this regard.
                          Shri A.K.Rajput,Treasurer(CE) has presented Income and Expenditure Balance sheet from 09-02-2016 to 22-06-2017 in the house and it was unanimously accepted in House. Treasures requested all branches to pay levy amount to CE in every year. He also informed that many branches have not deposited Levy amount for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17. All the CE members of different branches were requested to contribute the levy by depositing in NDGBGOA/CE Account for smooth function of association activities. It was also decided by the House for expenditure of President/General Secretary and other CEC Office Bearers for visiting OFB,Kolkata and MOD,New Delhi and other Sister Factories as and when required. The incidental expenditures may be borne from the CE fund whenever required.
        The house unanimously decided to Contribute Rs 5000/- (Five Thousand Rupees) from each Branch to Central Executive for filing the Case against the Transfer Policy published by OFB. A separate account was given exclusively for court cases in which all the branches can directly deposit the amount.  The Account No Details are as follows.
1.                  For Levy   Fee      -  SBI, J.Nagar A/C No. 32465716278     IFSC Code    0002156

2.                  AC for Legal Expenditure by CE -  Canara Bank A/c No. 5623101001468  IFSC  Code  CNB0005623
             The house unanimously decided for taking suitable action against Shri T.N.RAMAKRISHNAN,JWM/OFT from NDGBGOA/OFT Branch for his unnecessary comments against Central Executives through SMS and Blog.
            Shri. S. CHANDRAKANTH RAO, President/CE extended his heartfelt thanks to the organising branch (CFA) for their day night efforts for making the CEC meeting fruitful and also to the GM/CFA and to the entire CFA management. He also extended his thanks to all the delegates those were participated in the meeting.

             (S.CHANDRAKANTH RAO)                                                        (JAIGOPAL SINGH )
                  President                                                                                         General Secretary