Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Brief of the MEETING WITH JS/LS ON 20/01/2017

REF:NDGBGOA / CE /MINUTES/CIR / 2017-01                                Dated: 23.01.2017


All Members,
Sub: Brief of the Meeting  held with MoD / OFB officials and NDGBGOA Association chaired by the Joint Secretary / LS(DDP-MOD) on 20/01/2017 at 15.00 to 1700 Hrs. in South Block New Delhi  on Cadre related grievances”  of  Group-B Gazetted  Officers.

Dear Brothers,

The meeting was chaired by JS/LS(MOD-DDP). 
The following were present in the meeting.
Shri Sharada Prasad /Dy. Secretary-P (MOD-DDP), Shri Biswajit Sarkar / Under Secretary-G (MOD-DDP), Shri S. K. Sinha  / DDG IR -OFB,  Smt. Sujata Ray /DDG-NG-OFB & Dr. S. R. K. Vidyarthi / Dir-NG-OFB were present from official side.
Shri Jaigopal Singh, General Secretary/NDGBGOA, Shri S. Chandrakant Rao, Chairman/ NDGBGOA, Shri Pradeep Kenjale Jt. Secretary/NDGBGOA , Shri P. Thangapandiyan, Office Secretary/NDGBGOA, Shri. Ghanshyam Singh, Jt. Secretary/NDGBGOA and 05 representatives of 2nd Association were present in the meeting from Staff Side.

Brief of discussion held & decision taken in the Meeting  with JS/LS held on 20.01.2017 as per MoD ID No. 19(8)/2015-US(G) dated 03.01.2017 to discuss various issues raised by NDGBGO association in the letter dated 19.12.2016 & 20.12.2016 addressed to secretary (DP):

Sl. No.
7 th CPC related matter: Need to pursue with MoF for implementation of 7th CPC recommendation in respect of JWMs.

OFB/MOD: A proposal relating to formation of hierarchy post of Gr.’B’ Gazetted from & Gr.’B’ Gazetted, Non- Gazetted gradated popsts in OFB Organisation as per 7TH CPC recommendation the proposal reffered to Dept. of Exp., MoF for their Concurred on 12.01.2017. After approval from MoF the Necessary orders will be issued.
NDGBGOA: i)We proposed that the sanctioned strength of MCM should be counted for calculation of 10% of the cadre in pre-revised 4200 GP & 4600 GP for placement in 4800 GP. As the MCM is having status of Gr. ‘B’ and availing similar privileges.
ii)The implementation of 7th CPC recommendation for JWMs must be done after approval in the similar manner as done at the time of Artisan cadre Cadre-review by 6th CPC in 2010.  Prior to amendment in SRO/RR by Govt. as parallel action.
Submitted for approval at MoF on 17.01.2017
After approval necessary orders will be issued for implementation immediately.
CADRE REVIEW of Group-‘B’ Gazetted Officers.
OFB/MoD: Views of the outcome of the proposal for revision of Hierarchy of the JWM cadre as recommended by 7th CPC, separate proposal of cadre restructuring may be proposed framed accordingly.
NDGBGOA: Agreed with OFB/MoD.
As the proposal of 7th CPC is under approval from Govt.  the OFB may take up the matter after implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations
Need for Increase in sanctioned strength of AWM in proportion of sanctioned strength of JWM
OFB/MoD: DDG IR stated that 4th Cadre Review Proposal for Group-A cadre has been initiated and it is at present submitted to Finance Division of OFB for concurrence after which it will be submitted to DDP. In this proposal it is proposed to increase the sanctioned strength of AWM considerably up to 663 with respect to the present sanctioned strength of 375.
NDGBGOA: From our unofficial sources in MoF it is understood that the cadre review of IOFS is already completed before two years and it will not be possible to consider fresh cadre review before 5 years from the date of earlier cadre review as per DOPT guidelines. Also Jt. Secretary/LS stated the facts that it would not be possible to increase very large numbers of post in AWM’s and if increased it will be not possible to give all for promotion.
After forecasting our association come to conclusion that we have to review in this matter considering past experience and go for parallel posts by promotion in the interest of future generation promotional aspects instead of increasing the AWM posts. We will discuss it in our association forum considering effect on our proposed cadre review proposal.   
OFB will forward the cadre review of IOFS proposal with increased AWM posts of 663 within two months.
Career progression to PS/Sr.PS Cadre. Steno, PA, PS &Sr. PS cadre of headquarters & factories should be integrated and same cadre structure, motivation and career progression opportunity should be given to all those who are carrying similar work whether in Hq.Qtrs. or in Factories.
OFB/MoD: No proposal since be received from OFB for formation of single Steno grade Cadre in OFB. However a proposal has been received on 18.01.2017 from OFB relating to cadre structuring of Sr.PS in ordnance factories wherein 9 posts of Sr. PS has been proposed to be created.
NDGBGOA: Despite of similar work and same SRO the Steno & PA cadre of HQs are having better career progression than those who are having in Factories.  
Filling of more 9 posts of Sr. PS proposal is under examination in the MoD and agreed to create 9 posts of Sr.PS.
OFB will examine the similar cadre structuring for Hq. Qtrs. and Factories after taking views of STENO cadre association in OFB Hq. Qtrs. within one month.   
Revision of SRO-JWM-T & NT: OFB may please expedite the issue to DOP&T through MoD for on-line approval of SRO of JWM-NT.
MOD/OFB: The SRO of JWM(T) forwarded to DOP&T after taking all necessary action 11.07.2016. However DOP&T reffered back the SRO with same observation on 13.10.2016. The observation of DOP&T communication to OFB on 24.10.2016. Replay of OFB received on 11.01.2017 which is under examination at DDP.
Proposal of framing SRO of JWM-NT /S has been framed based on existing strength. However if at a subsequent stage the same gets changed due to approval of competent authority, the same may be further incorporated in the SRO.
NDGBGOA: The proposed SROs must be submitted considering expected cadre restructuring as per 7th CPC to avoid repeating of work. Consideration of both stake holders’ associations’ must be taken before finalisation.
Two proposals for amendment of SRO of JWM (tech) & Framing up of new SRO for JWM (NT) is being submitted to DOP&T through single window system within one month and will be further submitted to UPSC.
Redressed of anomalies in Seniority List of JWM as on 01-01-2009,  01-01-2012 & 01-01-2014 in light of the available rules in force in the year to year transparently, Report of Task Force on seniority list of JWMs and publication of amended seniority list as on 01/01/2009, 01/01/2012, 01/01/2014, 01/01/2015 & 01/01/2016.
OFB/MoD: Seniority List of JWM(T/NT) as on 01-01-2014 was, published on 28.11.2014. However, in view of submission of representations received from different service association as well as incumbents, a committee has been constituted by the competent authority to examine / consider the subject representation and modality of the subject seniority list. Report of the committee is expected to be received shortly. Action for preparation of updated seniority will be initiated on receipt of the subject report.
NDGBGOA: Fast action for finalization of seniority is required for to avoid further consequences to generate in DPCs for promotions.
As the matter pertains with OFB, so within one month OFB will liaise with associations and finalize the seniority.
Deferment of promotion date/seniority of JWMs.
The promotions were made by diverting vacancies from one discipline to another on the peoples (association/CDRA/JCM) demand and due to non availability of eligible employees in the particular stream/discipline. But the same were reverted after review demand in the same forum as per changed circumstances.
Now due to changed scenario no any financial loss was there as only promotion date was deferred without any reversion in pay. No any drastic change in seniority is there as the seniority was maintained discipline/stream wise.
NDGBGOA: Our association strongly opposed the OFB views and asked them if there will be no any loss or change then why deferment required? If at that time eligible employees were not there in some discipline/stream then afterward how the same employees becomes eligible to fill the same vacancies after some years with notional seniority? Why such illegal promotions were made at that time?
Matter is judicial one.
DPC for Promotion from JWM to AWM against the year 2015-16 & 2016-17
OFB/MoD: The DPC proposal for promotion to AWM (JTS) from JWM for the year 2015-16 & 2016-17 has been received from OFB on 18.11.2017. After necessary scrutiny the proposal will be forwarded to UPSC for taking necessary action.
MoD : In earlier UPSC has returned two DPC proposals received from OFB  since Dec.2016 for to amend AWM SRO discipline wise. The present will be forwarded after vigilance section clearance from DDP, MoD.
NDGBGOA: The criteria of discipline wise distribution of vacancies in AWM to give justice to true industrial organization considering functional aspects of organization facing the global computation is becomes our  present need .  The sanctioned strength of AWM should be distributed in the ratio of the stream wise sanctioned strength of the feeder cadre JWMs strength. So that no one can be disappointed considering their own stream strength.
The other association’s views are different.
Action will be taken within one month.

Finalization of transfer policy after discussion on suggestions of association.
MOD/OFB: Committee has been constituted for the specific purpose of revisiting the existing transfer policy of Gr. B Gazetted Officers. Report of the subject committee has not been received as yet.
NDGBGOA: willingly transfers must implement on priority.
To be finalise within two months.
Anomaly in promotion from C/M (NT/OTS) &OS to JWM(NT/OTS: OS has been left out while calculating overall strength of JWM(NT) curtailing the share of entitlement of CM/OTS ) in promotion.
MOD/OFB: A separate committee has been constituted for post wise distribution of the combined strength sanctioned by MoD and while redistribution of strength, every possible attempt would be made to restore the inter grade ratio of Non-Tech supervisor staff in the organization.
NDGBGOA: The issue must be killed in time frame manner prior to 7th CPC implementation and further cadre restructuring with new proposed SRO.
To be finalized by OFB within One month.
Forwarding of Application for outside employment as per DOP&T guidelines for better career prospects without hindrance within the specified time limit as advertised by the employer.
MOD/OFB: Per/NG issue note for outside employment, in case of JWMs, following the revised guidelines circulated on 19.06.2013. For Chargeman, the power for consideration /decision have been delegated to Sr.GM/GM/HOU.
JS/LS clearly stated that no one should be stopped from his career progression and the applications for O/s employment should forward.
NDGBGOA: Not to hamper anybodies career progress.
No one should be stopped point was cleared.
Grant of MACP to SCT/SAT candidates.
MOD/OFB: As per terms and conditions who availed age-relaxation were to be treated as having got promoted to the same post (i.e. one MACP benefit).This was clarified by OFB circular in the year 2002 itself.
NDGBGOA: As such who have not availed any age relaxation at the time of SCT/SAT departmental candidates all should Grant MACP as per NDGBGOA representation approved by OFB & PC of A (Fys.) for AFK    SCT/SAT departmental candidates cases.
Examine in One Month
Grant of three increments against acquired higher qualification.
MOD/OFB: OFB stated that there was no existing and sanctioned scheme in force in the MoD after the scheme of 03 advanced increments ceased to exist w.e.f. 01.12.1973 and replaced with scheme of granting lump-sum amount.
The entitled cases will be cleared within one month.
Timely action to fill up promotion and DR quota in all the three Cadres Chargeman, JWM, AWM and stoppage of deployment of JWMs in shift and plant operation.
MOD/OFB: For the post of chargeman, DR vacancies for the year of 2011-12 & 2012-13 has already been filled up. Process to induct chargeman through DR quota for the vacancy year 2013-14 TO 2015-16 is about to complete and notification for recruitment will be issued subsequently. For the post of JWM, advertisement for filling up of vacancies for the year of 2014-15 was notified through UPSC. Observing necessary formalities. Process has been initiated to fill up vacancies of JWM in DR quota for the vacancy year of 2015-16.
NDGBGOA: Regarding deployment of JWMs in shift and plant operations the view of OFB regarding functional requirement was not agreed as the same was denied by OFB in Honorable CAT Chennai.
MoD & OFB agreed to may be considered.
Necessary action by OFB for publication of Names of JWMs in Gazette of India as “Gazetted Officers”.
MOD/OFB: Neither the process nor the feasibility is known for the said proposal. Evidence may be submitted for examination whether any of the other departments are doing it and modalities thereof.
NDGBGOA: Associations stand is very hard on gazette notification.
As such the post of JWM is Gazette Post and as per Manual of office procedure the appointment and promotion of a Gazetted Officer to be published in the Gazette of India in para 1 section 2 of the Gazette of India.
OFB will write to GOVT. PRESS of INDIA for gazette notification.
Review of list of hard stations.
MOD/OFB: Committee has been constituted for the specific purpose of revisiting the existing transfer policy of Gr.B Gazetted Officers. List of hard stations will also be reviewed along with. Report of the subject committee has not been received as yet.
Jt.Sec./LS stated that hard stations list was reviewed for all Govt. Organizations including DGQA & Audit so the same will be considered for all.
NDGBGOA: Association insists for not to remove any existing hard station.
Provision of Ordnance quota in Railway reservations.
MOD/OFB: The initiatives have already been taken with Railway Board and MoD. Latest communication regarding this has been made with MoD vide OFB I.D. No. 814/Agenda/OM/A/A, dated 11.02.2016.
No more action has been directed.
Again letter correspondence will be made with Rail-Authorities for reservation quota.
Risk Allowance to Gr. A and B officers for identified operations in OFs.
MOD/OFB: Necessary action will be taken after implementation of 7th CPC by Govt. of India in the matter of allowances, including Risk Allowance.
NDGBGOA: allowances are related to the nature of work and not related to the post so all liable allowances should be given to JWMs
Considered after 7th CPC allowances committee report.
Implementation of Incentive scheme as per recommendation of Shri AK Singh Committee.
MOD/OFB: Regarding Incentive scheme it is stated that a high Power committee headed by Shri. S.C. Bajpai, Addi. DGOF/AV HQrs. Has been constituted. The said committee has submitted its phase –I Report. The phase –II report is yet to be submitted.
NDGBGOA: Earlier action for submission of report to be taken by MoD/OFB.
In phase – I of report submitted by committee considered only examiners from IES cadre. In phase –II of report to be submitted by committee our cadres part will be considered.
NOTE: Though, MOD will issue official minutes,  this brief notes are made on the basis of recall of the discussions held in the meeting and being circulated to our members of NDGBGOA for instant information about the outcome of the meeting. 


(1). The issue raised by other association for  non-implementation of additional one increment related order of MOF(Exp) & OFB by OF Chanda due to which payment of arrears  are hold up and effected individuals are in loss. 
            Our association reminded OFB officials that NDGBGOA is having court order for implementation of above MOF(Exp) order within two months regarding one promotional not additional increment to those who have got promotion from C/H-II to C/H-I & AF to JWM in the period 01.01.2006 to 29.08.2008 i.e. date of notification of 6th CPC 
Decision: DDG/IR directed Dir/NG to note and to issue necessary orders to all factories.

(2). JS/LS Emphasized that DDP & OFB may ensure timely actions as per the decisions taken

(3). On request of NDGBGOA, JS/LS directed US/G to schedule a meeting after 02 months to review the progress on the decisions taken in this meeting.

The warm meeting was concluded by vote of thanks to all officials by General Secretary NDGBGOA.

                                                                                   (Jaigopal Singh)
                                                                                  General Secretary 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

CE meeting with Joint Secretary /LS,MOD on 20.01.2017

Dear members,
                      Our Association has sent letter for agitation movement to all the concerned Authorities regarding long pending unresolved issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted Officers of Ordnance Factories. In this regard a meeting has been scheduled on 20th January 2017 at 3 PM with Joint Secretary/LS at MOD for discussion/decision on our long pending unresolved issues which is mentioned in  Agitation letter No.- NDGBGOA(CE) GENERAL/81/2016-11 dated 25/11/.2016.
    All the pending issues will be taken up in the meeting. OFB officials also will be attending the meeting.
This is for kind information to all the members. Out come of the meeting will be informed to all the members.