Friday, 29 April 2016


    REF NO-02/NDGBGOA/IF Transfer/16                                                         DATE- 25/04/2016

The Chairman/DGOF,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10A, S.K. Bose Road,
           Kolkatta-700001.      Kind attention :- (  Shri A.K.Prabhakar/Hon’ble DGOF&Chairman)

              Sub:  Violation in Inter Factory Transfer policy of JWMs 

              Ref:      1.OFB LR No. ITR-60/Per/NG/2016/ Dated; 15.04.2016.     
                            2. No. 100/Misc/Policy/A/NG dated 23-12- 2013 
                              3. Minutes of meeting  with JS/LS(MoD),New delhi dtd 6-10-2015
              With reference to the above, it is understood that OFB had prepared mass numbers of transfer list in the post of JWM's and sent the same to respective factories for further action/release/deletion/addition of the names etc  which is also came in our factory. Sir JWM cadre is most deprived cadre in Ordnance Factory Organization and is fully responsible for Production and planning and Administration. This year OFB could achieved more than the allotted target because of the sincerity of JWMs  under the  guidance of GM/Sr.GM. 
               It is deeply regretted that, JWMs who have spent more than 30 years in the same station does not comes under the purview of Transfer policy vide reference no-2 but the recommendation was made by Standing Committee. It is surprise to note that, within very short period without Consultation with Stake Holder and Head of Units, Standing Committee has taken the decision which is strongly condemned by this Association. This clearly shows the lack of Transparency in the Transfer policy and this is clear cut violation of Transfer policy. Before finalizing transfer policy Hon’ble  DGOF/Chairman is requested to kindly direct to all Sr.GM/GM and concerned officers of NG and G section to implement the following  please.

1.         Sir during meeting of JS/LS it was decided to in future transfer will take place as per Transfer policy. Accordingly, O.F.Board has cancelled transfer order which was published against the existing transfer policy   in the last year.  Again this year Standing Committee  has recommended for transferring JWMs those  have completed 30 years or more service in the same station which  does not comes under the purview of Transfer policy vide .
2.          As per information available in Comnet  107 Nos. in group A and  89 Nos. in Group B Transfer orders are pending  since last 2013. Ordnance Factory Board is unable to release them from Sr.GM/GM of respective factories. It shows that Sr.GM/GM is more powerful than O.F.Board and not carrying out the directive of OFB. A Copy of pending transfer order is enclosed as Annexure-A&B.
3.            Still many Group ‘A’ &B officers who has completed their tenure more than 10 years in one unit they are enjoying in soft station in cities.  Those are not having any sources/approaches  they are  working  full service in Hard station. Detail officers list are available in comnet which clearly shows the violation of transfer policy and increasing of corruption in organization.
4.             Sir, Many Group’B’ officers have applied on compassionate ground and are eligible for transfer but were kept in waiting list. Many JWMs have asked Transfer in compassionate Ground Transfer but OFB is not considering the application and rejecting by granting less marks.
Therefore, Group B Officers those are in waiting list, those have asked for transfer in Compassionate ground and seeking transfer in request basis may be considered for Inter Factory Transfer at the earliest in top most priority.
5.        Sir, mass transfer of JWMs will not only disintegrate the expertness but also will cost huge Government money. It is observed in the factories as well as OFB that, JWMs are posted in the Section irrelevant of their trade which is clear violation of SRO/RR.In the name of Functional Ground, JWMs are being transfer from one factory to other factory but they are not posted in their trades.
 6.        As per the policy, JWM should work in the factory continuously for a period of 10 years unless it is required to transfer on functional ground and based on the projected requirement from Factories/units/OFBHQ, a circular should be issued twice in a year i.e. in January and July calling for applications indicating preference of posting. Therefore the exact requirement of Factories/ Unit should be mentioned by OFB and thereafter Circular should be issued for interested candidates. If there will not be sufficient number of JWMs, then Functional Ground Transfer may be taken into consideration with ensuring posting JWMs in their relevant Trade.  
            In view of above, the CentralExecutive Committee of this Association request you not make any transfers of JWM's without finalization of Seniority List and Cadre Review which is in pipeline (SSM, SM and JWM which may cause again functional requirement) and  Consider all the Transfer application those have requested for Inter Factory Transfer at the earliest please.
              With kind regards,
                                                                                            Yours faithfully,
                                                                                          (JAIGOPAL SINGH  )
                                                                                         GENERAL SECRETARY

1.The  Member/Per
2.The JS/LS(MoD)
    Deptt. Of Defence Production
    South Block, New Delhi
4.The Diurector/NG
5.The Under Secretary(D-Estt.Group’B’ Gazetted)
    Min. of Defence(DDP),Sena bhawan
              New Delhi
          6.The General Secretary
             CDRA,New Delhi


Friday, 15 April 2016


NDGBGOA Circular 2016
                        Commitment for Excellence

              National Defence Group-B Gazetted Officer’s Association (NDGBGOA) was formed for a better transparency and to grant right justice to whole Group B Gazetted Officers in Ordnance factories. NDGBGOA has started its work in such a way that OFB was compelled to make recorded minutes of the meeting (01.04.2015 &16/11/2015) and made a Grievance Redressal mechanism for Group B Gazetted Officers by Granting yearly twice Official meeting (with recorded minutes) with Association. Moreover this Association has approached MoD for which meeting was granted to NDGBGOA on 24/09/2015  with Joint Secretary,MoD/LSand OFB Official. The Official minutes was circulated to all the concerned.    
         The necessity of forming another parallel association for JWMs (Group-B Officers) in OFB Organization has arisen due to following reasons.

1.   The existing Association for JWMs (IOFGOA) has failed to give equitable justice for the whole JWM Cadre after merging.
2.   In pre-merger scenario, Old JWM Association (IOFGOA) had approached to MOD as well as CAT (Jabalpur) for a meager Grade Pay of 4800/- with a poor vision only to keep old JWMs separate from AF/FM/SH.
3.    Retrospectively, 5th CPC  had offered IOFGOA to accept either Pay Scale: 7450-225-11500 with two increments or Pay scale  7500-250-12000   . At that time ,IOFGOA with poor vision had preferred scale of 7450-225-11500 with two increments( which has been graded as GP-4600 in 6th CPC ) .If , IOFGOA had farsightedly accepted Pay  scale of 7500-225-11500  , JWMs in 6th CPC would have been invariably placed in Grade Pay : 4800/- and subsequently 5400/- after 4 years continuity  by default.
4.   After merging IOFGOA was least bother about the nature of work which has to be performed by a Group B Gazetted Officers for which JWMs are suffering.
5.   They were least bother about the Allowances or Incentives for Group B Gazetted Officers which is a genuine demand.
6.   They were least bother about the PLB, Risk Allowances which should be granted for a Group B Officer.
7.   They were least bother about SRO of JWMs where the most experienced technical cadre was described as Ministerial (clerical).
8.   They were never tried to get Official minutes of the meeting for transparency amongst our cadre and thereafter follow up action in the points.
  From the above, it clearly reveals that IOFGOA has failed to do justice for the cadre as a result the most important cadre in the organization was demoralized.
                   NDGBGOA has formed to bring back the golden history of our organization where there was Foreman cadre with better salary package, better decision making authority, and better respect in the organization. Definitely organization will have a better period by strengthening the most experienced JWM cadre.
            Dear friends, after formation of NDGBGOA, the sincere members of the branch Association taken up the important long pending issues of JWMs in the court of law at different Central Administrative Tribunal. As a result all the higher authorities of OFB and MoD were serious regarding the cadre by which they have granted number of meetings to resolve the issues. But in all the meetings they were not ready to grant Minutes of the meeting .But when NDGBGOA has called Agitation movement then OFB was Compelled to give recorded minutes.
 NDGBGOA has made a highest court cases against OFB regarding genuine demand of cadre at Central Administrative Tribunals within a period of one year(2013-2014).The court cases are as follows.

1.   Nature of Work of JWMs- In this regard NDGBGOA/CFA Branch has taken up at CAT Chennai (OA No-1212 of 2012 Dated-15/10/2012) with Miscellaneous demands to get a order from Ordnance Factory Board. Finally OFBoard has issued a speaking order on 13/08/2013 in which it has been mentioned that JWM will be HOS (Managerial) as well as shop floor level supervisor without any financial benefit. After the receiving the speaking order, NDGBGOA/CFA Branch has challenged it in CAT, Chennai (OA no- 1763/2013) to get a clear instruction on Nature of work of JWMs and thereafter financial benefit of Allowances. Honorable CAT, Madras Bench Passed an Order on 30/3/2016 and Directed to respondents to grant OTA, NDA to JWM (Gazetted Officers) if the work is extracted as Non Gazetted Status. Everybody is aware that, there is no demarcation of duty for Gazetted post JWM or Non Gazetted post of Chargeman and Office Superintendent by OFB till date. Therefore, OTA has to be granted by OFB to JWM,Or otherwise OFB has to keep sufficient subordinate staff under JWMs for keeping JWM as Senior Group B Gazetted Cadre.

2.   Restoration of Promotional increment from CM II to CM I and AF to JWM      after 01/01/2006- In this regard, Case was filed by NDGBGOA/AFK Branch at  CAT,Mumbai Bench through OA no.-381/2014. Honorable CAT,MUMBAI Bench has ordered on 19th November to restore the incremental benefit. During the period Central Executive of our Association has taken up the matter at OFB, MoD,CGDA and PCof A  for an early order. Finally we Could achive the restoration of incremental benefit and all the factories have cleared all the related cases within short period.
3.   Stopping of DR AWM(Exam notice no-7/2013 Dated- 6/4/2013) without Promotion from JWM to AWM (OA NO-852/2013) -  In  this regard NDGBGOA/HAPP branch filed the case at CAT Chennai and Honorable Tribunal passed an interim order on 26th June 2013 . As a result OFB has published promotion from JWM to AWM in every year without any delay. Till date NDGBGOA/HAPP is continuing the case for getting more than 1000 AWM promotional vacancy.
4.   Deferment date of promotion for JWM- Most of the NDGBGOA members were approached the Central Administrative Tribunal all over India for getting the justice. Central executive is trying to resolve the issues at MoD as well as OFB. In this regard CE has approached Joint Secretary/LS and DGOF/OFB. Meeting is expected very shortly from Chairman/OFb and Jt.Secy/LS very shortly.
Dear friends,
                      Our Association could declare that there will not be any grade pay system in 7th CPC which was known after the meeting with 7th CPC at KOLKATA on 13/01/2015. Central executive has attended the official meeting with 7th CPC at Cossipore on 10th January 2015 which was conducted by OFB. In front 7th CPC, CE has expressed the importance of our cadre in the Organisation and shown clearly about the deprived position of JWMs. After CE explanation to The Chairman,7th CPC, He expressed that this cadre has been compressed by which there is no promotional aspects. He also expressed for decompression of the cadre.. Rather than Official meeting, our CE office bearers could got Opportunities 6 times to represent to the team of 7th CPC. Our President along with joint Secretary also met 7th CPC team during their visit to Hyderabad. We have emphasized for Industrial Allowances, Bonus for Group B Gazetted Officers.  Because of our effort 7th CPC has asked Clarification to MoD regarding the Grade Pay and Industrial Allowance for JWM Cadre. MoD in its reply has consider 4800 Grade Pay and there after 5400GP in PB-II, and 5400GP in PB-III (NFU) for proper carrier progression. In this regard after publication of 7th CPC, Both the Association has taken a resolution and a meeting was conducted at Nagpur and there after General Secretary visited OFB and MoD. At present the proposal has approved by the Secretary, MoD and it was forwarded to MoF for consideration.
Central Executive could meet Honorable Defence Minister in his Office on 30/06/2015 and submitted our memorandum on 30/06/2015. We have submitted 11 points for intervention of Honorable Defence Minister. The points are Cadre Review, Increment Benefit, Grievance redressal mechanism for Group Gazetted Cadre, Incentive Scheme, PLB, Risk Allowances, SRO/RR and One time relaxation on availed LTC. Honorable Defence Minister has directed Secretary/DDP for resolving the issues within a time period of three month. In this regard a meeting was held at MoD with Joint Secretary,MoD/LSand OFB Official on 24/09/2015 with CE office bearers and the Official minutes was issued by MoD for timely action on all the issues.

      After that once again CE office bearers met Honorable RM in his Office on 29/10/2015 and discuss important issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted Cadre and requested for granting meeting for resolving the pending issues. Jt. Secretary/LS may grant a meeting shortly at MoD for reviewing of Old points and new points like Deferment of promotion date of JWMs.
      OFB has granted the second periodical meeting at OFB with Member Per on 16/11/2015 in which many important points were taken up. But it is observed that OFB is not able to take up the matter to the concern authorities even after our full pressure from all the concern. As Central Executives is taking up the matter at all the higher forum at MoD, MoF some of our points could be achieved.
Dear friends, during this period, our Association could achieve following important issues by regular communication to MoD and OFB.
1.   Participation in APEX Committee and local productive Council.
2.   Honorarium for conducting Exam.
3.   Cancellation of JWM Transfer which was ordered by OFB without any policy.
4.   One time relaxation in LTC.
5.   First time recorded minutes of Association meeting at OFB and MoD.
6.   Task Force representation from Association in seniority list preparation of JWMs.
7.   Consideration of our proposal in 7th CPC in Level 08,09,10 in pay matrix with Non Functional Up Gradation at MoD .
            It is informed to all the Office Bearers and CEC member that because of the hard work of sincere office bearers of NDGBGOA, we could form 30 Branches with more than 30% of membership of Group B Gazetted Officer in ORDNANCE FACTORIES within very short period.
 NDGBGOA has got Continual Recognition for further five years by MoD.
           Above all, NDGBGOA will fight for justice to JWM and PS Cadre by giving their cadre status & right privileges in Unit as well as OFB level.               Hence, it is earnestly appealed to the whole Group B Gazetted Cadre to join National Defence Group B Gazetted Officers Association (NDGBGOA) and strengthen our hands to fight for equitable justice to neglected JWM Cadre in OFB Organisation and make this association as a 1st Association.

President                                        General Secretary
NDGBGOA                                           NDGBGOA