Date- 24/08/2015
Factory Board,
, S.K.Bose Road.KOLKATA-1
Sub- Violation in Inter Factory Transfer of
Ref. No.- 1. JTR-60/Per/NG/2015 Dated- 09/07/2015(Office
Order No.-17/15-16)
2. JTR-60/Per/NG/2015 Dated- 14/08/2015(Transfer
Cancellation Order)
3. NDGBGOA letter No NDGBGOA/CE/46/2015
It is appreciated that OFB has
canceled Transfer order of 115 JWMs vide reference No. 02 out of 155
JWMs(Ref.No.-01). In continuation to our earlier letter vide reference no.03,
the Central Executive requests your kind attention towards the Transfer policy
of OFB (No.100/MISC/Policy/A/NG
dtd-23-12-2013) on Functional Ground. The point no.02 states that” Generally, JWM should work in the
factory continuously for a period of 10 years unless it is required to transfer
on functional ground and based on the projected requirement from
Factories/units/OFBHQ, a circular should be issued twice in a year i.e. in
January and July calling for applications indicating preference of posting ”was
not followed by OFB before transfer.
After cancellation of Transfer order of 115
JWMs, there is pending transfer of 40 JWMs who were having 05-06 year of service. More over most of them are promotees and
belongs to SC/ST categories.
left behind 40 JWMs will not have good spirit to work in the new station and
may lose their morality during the final settlement. There will not have any
fruitful utilization of 40 JWMs in new station.
Therefore, it is requested to consider
this Association view and cancel all the Transfer which was ordered vide
reference no. 1 at the earliest please.
kind regards,
Yours Faithfully.
(Jaigopal Singh)
General Secretary
The Secretary,Min. of Defence,DDP,New
The Joint Secretary ( P&C),
MOD,DDP,New Delhi.
The Hon’ble Defence Minister,
of Defence,
Govt. of India,
South Block, New Delhi.110011.
Respected Sir,
Sub- Cadre Review of JWMs-Reg
The Central Executive of
this Association request your kind intervention for an early Cadre review of
JWM Cadre of Ordnance Factories which is pending for long time and not been
restructured for two decades.
Sir, this Association has submitted memorandum regarding Cadre
review and other Grievances during the meeting which was held with this
association in your good office on 30/06/2015.
Till date no initiation has been taken either by MoD or by OFB to resolve the
issues pertaining to Group B Gazetted Officers in Ordnance Factories.
Sir, in Ordnance Factories, One Group C is able to get its pay
band change (PB-I to PB-II) within a period of 12-13 years ( Semi Skill
employees can become Master Crafts Man with four promotion) , Similarly one
Group A is able to gets its pay band change (PB-III to PB-IV) within a period
of 12-13 years( JTS can become JAG ) where as one Group B entry cannot get PB
III for 29 years due to lack of promotional avenue( Only one Promotion). Even after continuous representation in all the
forum for the last two years by this Association, Cadre review has not been finalized
till date.
Therefore, The Central Executive of this
Association requests your kind intervention and early finalization of Cadre
review of Group B cadre in Ordnance factories at the earliest please.
The Secretary,Min. of Defence,DDP,New
The Joint Secretary ( P&C),
MOD,DDP,New Delhi.
The Hon’ble Defence Minister,
of Defence,
Govt. of India,
South Block, New Delhi.110011.
Sub- Restoration of
Unauthorized withdrawal of Promotional Benefits to CM and JWM who were promoted
between 01/01/2006 to 29/08/2008- reg
The Central Executive of this
Association request your kind intervention for an early order on Restoration of Unauthorized withdrawal
of Promotional Benefits to CM and JWM
which has already been implemented in DGQA Department.
Sir, Incremental Benefit for CM and AF who
have earned Promotion after 1-1-2006 to 29-08-2008 was taken up by this
Association during the meeting which was held in
your good office on 30/06/2015. At present it is pending at Ministry of
Finance after clarification from DOP&T. The same incremental benefit has
already been granted in DGQA and DGAQA department in MoD.
Therefore, The Central
Executive of this Association requests your kind intervention and necessary
action for an early order in this regard please.
1. The
Secretary,Min. of Defence,DDP,New Delhi
2. The
Joint Secretary ( P&C), MOD,DDP,New Delhi.
R Date-24/08/2015
The Hon’ble Defence Minister,
of Defence,
Govt. of India,
South Block, New Delhi.110011.
Sub- Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Group B Gazetted Officers-Reg
The Central Executive of this Association requests
your kind intervention for granting Grievance Redressal mechanism for Group B – Gazetted officers cadre. This point was taken up by this Association in the
memorandum which was submitted in your good office on 30/06/2015.
Sir, Middle management cadre of an Industrial Organisation used to consider as
the back bone of the Organisation. Group B – Gazetted officers cadre in
Ordnance Factories does not have any forum like Joint Consultative Machinery to address their grievance, as a result this cadre has been neglected
for a long period.
Sir, Group ‘A’ Officers are representing from Officials
side and Group C employees are from staff side in JCM Forum For resolving their
Grievances, but there is no
representation from Group B Gazetted Officers which results in the deprived
position of the cadre. No opportunity has been assigned to Group B Gazetted
Officers to express and short out their grievances.
Therefore, The Central
Executive of this Association requests your kind intervention and necessary
action for making Grievance redressal mechanism for Group B Gazetted Officers
in Ordnance Factories .
With kind regards,
Yours Faithfully.
(Jaigopal Singh)
Copy to:-
3. The
Secretary,Min. of Defence,DDP,New Delhi
4. The
Joint Secretary ( P&C), MOD,DDP,New Delhi.
The Hon’ble Defence Minister,
of Defence,
Govt. of India,
South Block, New Delhi.110011.
Respected Sir,
Sub- Deliberate transfer of JWMs-Reg
Sir, this Association has submitted memorandum in your good
office on 30/06/2015 regarding
deliberate transfer of JWMs from Ordnance factory Ambajhary and discussed about
the matter. Till date OFB has not cancelled the transfer order.
Sir, in this regard it is brought to your kind notice that OFB
has ordered the transfer deliberately without following the Transfer policy of
group B Gazetted cadres.
Therefore, The Central
Executive of this Association requests your kind intervention and necessary
action in this regard at the earliest please.
kind regards,
Yours Faithfully.
(Jaigopal Singh)
The Secretary,Min. of Defence,DDP,New
The Joint Secretary ( P&C),
MOD,DDP,New Delhi.