An association of Group 'B' Gazetted officers of Ordnance factories organization.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
MINUTES and RESOLUTION in the CEC MEET at OF TRICHY on 24th&25th AUG 2013
Ref No: NDGBGOA/CE/OFBA/CEC-Minutes/08-13. 25.08.2013
Dear Brothers,
Sub- Minutes of CEC
meeting of NDGBGOA held on 24th&25th
August 2013
at SrOfficer Club OFTrichy.
The CEC meeting of the association started on 24th
August 2013 at 11.00hrs at OFTrichySr.Officer club. Sri K.K.Velayudhan /Vice
President/CE delivered the welcome address. The meeting was inaugurated by Sri S.K.
Chaurasia,GM/HAPP and Sri B.P.Babu,GM/OFT and
AGMs of both factories and Sri. ChandrakanthRao,President,Sri.Jaigopal
Singh,General Secretary/NDGBGOA by
lightening the lamp.
ShriK.K.Velayudhan,Vice President delivered
welcome speech . The Executive Member of OFT and HAPP presented shawl to all
Guest and Chief Guest.General SecretarySri Jaigopal Singh, emphasized on the
Cadre review proposal which have been submitted by NDGBGOA to MoD as well as OF
Board. He expressed that OF Board accepted the mistakes of merging of middle
management cadre and the cadre review committee formed by OF Board (Ralegaonkar
Committee) is again willing to introduce 4 grade structure in the organization
to bring back the erstwhile Industrial setup in Ordnance factories. Our
association has submitted the cadre review proposal to Mof D as well as OFB in
the same manner.Our Association is trying to bring back the glory of Ordnance
Factories which was prevailed prior to 1994.During that period Foreman Cadre
was existing which cadre was best owed in the organization and they were whole
heartedly working for their section. At that time real TPM was there in our
Ordnance Factories but now we were talking regarding TPM. During the period the
Foreman Cadre was section head and was taking the responsibility of the
sections for the production and administrative activities. General Secretary assuredthat with the
continuous co-operation of our talented Office bearers and members we will achieve
best solution for Group ‘B’ Gazetted cadre in the forthcoming central pay
commission. He extended his sincere thanks to General Manager OFT and HAPP for
their kind co-operation extended to make this event a grand success. He also expressed
his gratitude in arrangements made available to all delegates by HAPP and OFT
Office bearers and association members.
ShriS.K.Chaurasia,GM/HAPP officially
inaugurated the inaugural session. Sri B.P.Babu,GM/OFT delivered inaugural address
recalling the Golden era of Ordnance factories when there was cadre of FOREMAN.
Heexpressedthat in earlier days the new entrants of Group A Cadre was benefitted
from the experienced senior Foremen,further he shared his experience of working
along with Foremen and the abundant experience of those senior FM helped to guide the direct recruits of group A cadre.
After gaining such experience Group ‘A’ cadre excelled and led their
subordinates with full command further in their carrier. GM/OFT also expressed
his views on deprived status of JWMs is due to the implication of the6th
CPC and hence the genuine demands of NDGBGOA to be resolved with due importance.
Shri B.M.Barik,Org.Secretary/CE explainedthe
gathering about the cadre review report proposal which was submitted by NDGBGOA
to M of D and OFB.
The inaugural function was concluded with vote
of thanks by Sri Mani, Branch Secretary/HAPP Trichy.
The business
session was started at 14.30 hrs with the report of General Secretary on
Association matter for the last 6 months. In his report he narrated elaborately
about the meeting with JS(P&C)/MoD,New Delhi and Chairman /OFB, along with
office bearers of NDGBGOA which was held on 08-08-2013 at MoD, New Delhi and on 17-08-2013 at OFB Head
quarters and other points. The important points are as follows.
After recognition, of NDGBGOA the Central Executive team has
done restless job for the cadre
interest. The CE team has visited Ministry of Defence and met Joint Secretary
and submitted cadre review proposal and transfer policies. The CE team has
requested Joint Secretary(MOD) to conduct a joint meeting to discuss Cadre
Review along with OFB officials and association.
The central executive attended the meeting with
Chairman/OFB on 17/08/2013 and discussed many cadre related issues.
1- Nature of work of JWM
2- Incentives to JWMs.
early Cadre Review for Middle management for better function in OFB. In this CE
submitter the same Cadre review proposal like earlier Foreman (before 1994).
4- News paper allowance to JWMs.
5-Honorarium for recruitment duties and enquiry
duty(min-Rs5000) for PO and IO.
6- LDCE exam for AWM post.
7- Reinstate of cancelled transfer
Order and transparent transfer policy after consultation from assn.
8- Forum for Gazetted Officer
Association to discuss the cadre related matter with OFB and MoD.
9- MACP should be Granted as
per promotional hierarchy not as per MACP GP coating the Principal Bench, New
Delhi Order
10- Combined Seniority of JWMs and Time scale promotion to
11-Removal of description as Ministerial cadre from existing SRO and the
same has been accepted by OF Board and is going to be implemented in new SRO.
12- Disparity in working hours/days of JWMs and PS in Factories and OFB
and NADP.
NDGBGOA branches
explained about the status of existing court cases as under.
1. CFA branch explained about the reply regarding
the court case on nature of work and other related 5 points. As per OFB reply,
there should not be any horizontal reporting system of JWM. So all the JWMs
should report to Divisional Officer who is Group A Officer.
2. OFT branch explained about the court case regarding
Cadre Review .It has been ordered by Hon CAT Chennai to OFB for completion of
Cadre Review of JWMswithin time period
of 2 months, after consulting with the association.
3. HAPP Branch explained about the court case
regarding the violation of SRO 227. OFB has recruited AWMs through UPSC without
filling of promotional quota from the existing JWMs. Based on CAT verdict OFB
was compelled to promote 76 AWMs from existing JWM strength and has prepared
another 100 JWMs list for further promotion to AWM post.
There after all the branches have submitted their points
to CE for further action at MOD and OFB level.
1) OF Badmal expressed dissatisfaction about the attitude
of their General Manager towards JWM cadre. CE has promised to take up the
issue with GM OF Badmal and OFB respectively.
2) Ordnance factory Trichy has pointed out the
disparity of Stenographer cadre (PS &Sr PS) which is prevailed in
factories, OFB and ministries. There is no promotional channel existing in the
PS channel as a result people are retiring without getting proper
promotion. CE has promised to take up
the issue with MoD and OFB respectively.
3) HVF Avadi branch pointed out about the Training
standard of group B Gazetted officers. They also emphasized about the Study
leave as availed by Group A Officers. CE replied that this point will be taken
in the higher forum and request will be made to OFB to conduct training for JWM in a separate Training
Institute/Academy like NADP and also in Premier Institutions of India / Abroad.
4) Cordite Factory Aruvankadu pointed out about need
of trainingfor all the officer those are
dealing departmental enquiries. Without properly training the officers, they
should not be assigned the duties of Inquiry Officer and presenting officer .
Central executive replied to take up the matter with OFB for further action.
5) HAPP Branch pointed out that OFB has published
Notional promotion of Chargeman/AF to JWM in with different cut off dates resulting
in Electrical and chemical trades were granted promotion in 28/07/2010 where as
others were granted promotion from 31/05/2010. This disparity should be clarified
at OFB at the earliest. CE assured to take up the matter with OFB.
6) OFBOL pointed out that Gazette notifications
should be published for group B gazettd officers. CE assured to take up the
issue with OFB &MoD.
7) OCF Shahanjahanpur picked up the issue for
standing operative procedure (SOP) for capacity verification of different firms
which clearly indicates that One group A officer (Team Leader) should be
assisted by group B Officer. This should be uniformly followed in all Ordnance
factories. CE assured to take up the issue with OFB &MoD.
8) AFK representatives pointed out about MOF
Guidelines for granting one increment for Chargeman those who are promoted from
CM-II to CM-I and AF to JWM between 01-01-2006
to 26-08-2008. CE has taken up the issue with OFB and will further
clarify with MoD, if required.
9) HVF pointed out about the HRA to the JWMs those
who are not occupying govt. quarters and wherever quarters are not vacant. CE
assured to take up the issue with OFB.
10) OFPM pointed out that as per Sixth CPC
recommendation Incentives should be granted to higher qualified JWMs. CE
assured to take up the issue after detailed study.
11) OF Ambajhari Branch informed to CE that the
branch has prepared a court case on Orderly Officers Duty. According to Branch
the no of hours duty performed should be compensated and it should be renamed
as Duty Officer and all the Gazetted officer should include in the duty.
CE expressed that one letter will be sent to Chairman/OFB in this regard
and then OF Ambajhari can proceed further with slight changes prayer ( point
no-4 ). CE appreciated the Branch
12)HAPP Branch informed to CE that the
Over Time Allowance Arrears should be paid the JWM from the may 2010 till their
original date of Publication of promotion as the promotion granted was as per
notional basis not as per date of publication’s. CE assured that this will be
taken up in OFB for further action.
Finally central executive instructed to all the branches to represent
their respective General Managers regarding the nature of work and Reporting Officers of JWMs (Reply received
by CFA branch from OF Board) for strict compliance in Ordnance factories so
that JWMs will not report to another JWM (Horizontal reporting). All the JWMs
should report to immediate superior group A Officer in his stream. Moreover
JWMs should get his duty allocation from Group A officer in writing.
Central Executive
committee of NDGBGOA unanimously taken a decision that, hereafter “This
association shall not have any person as PATRON and strictly follow the BYE-LAWS
of the Association“. If some
association office bearer are not following or acting against the association
interest then the disciplinary action will be taken against the office bearer. If any Office Bearers has got complaints, it
should be represented to President & General Secretary in writing/ e-mail.
Shri SB Gaur Treasurer
(CE) presented Balance sheet upto 24/08/2013 which was unanimously accepted by
the house. It has been pointed out that many branches have not yet submitted
LEVY for 2012-13. General Secretary instructed all branches to submit the
balance LEVY to CE at the earliest to meet urgent financial expenses. Following
details of bank account have been provided to every present member for directly
crediting the amount to the bank account under intimation to General Secretary
or Traesurer(CE).
Bank Name : State
Bank of India A/c No 32465716278
A/c Name : N
D G B G O Association (C.E.)
Branch : O.F.Estate,
Bhandara Branch code : 2156
IFSC Code : SBIN0002156
Please confirm the transaction by e-mail to
the following persons with-in one day with scan copies of actual deduction
given by Your GM of ordnance factory indicating total no of members and total
amount deposited to your account.
JaiGopal Singh General Secretary Mob: 09922881369
Email :
SB Gaur Treasurer Mob
: 08275868121
Email :
On 25th
August 2013, the second day of CEC meeting continued from 09:00 AM as scheduled
and the points brought up by the delegates were discussed in the house and the
following resolutions ( As mentioned in Annexure ) were finalized and passed
unanimously for further actions accordingly.
Central Executive
Committee unanimously decided to take up agitationalprogramme in all the
branches for following demands pertaining to Group-B Gazetted officers.
1. Publication of Duties & Responsibilities of
2. Incentive to Gazetted Officers
3. An early Cadre Review for Group-B Gazetted
Officers as per the proposals submitted by NDGBGOA.
4. Transparent Transfer Policy for Group-B
Gazetted officers.
5. Granting MACP benefits as per promotional
6. Publication of Updated Seniority List.
7. Operating yearly promotions from JWM to AWM.
8. Time bound Promotions.
9. Uniform implementation of Orders in all
Ordnance Factories.
10. Removal
of description “Ministerial” cadre in JWMs SRO.
Other Cadre Related points may be taken.
The CEC unanimously accepted to go for agitation program as under if
above stated cadre related problems are not attended by OFB.
1. A memorandum (can be downloaded from NDGBGOA
blogspot) from CE HQrs& all the branches will be forwarded to OFB before 5th
Sep 2013.
2. If above points are not resolved by OFB,
following agitation programmes will be observed in all the branches.
Wearing of Black
Badges with all the demands - 25th Nov’2013.
One hour Lunch
Dharna - 20th Dec’2013.
Dharna at OFB - 22nd Jan’2014.
Dharna at
MOD/JantarManthar, New Delhi - End of March 2014.
According to the
Branch representation, total number of 10 resolutions received AND after
threadbare discussion 10 resolutions were unanimously passed. The first BGCM of
NDGBGOA will be conducted at Avadi during Jan / Feb 2014.
The CEC meeting
ended with thanks to Chair &Organising Branches HAPP & OFT.
(sd) (sd)
ChandrakantRao JaiGopal Singh
President/ NDGBGOA General Secretary/NDGBGOA
Ref No :NDGBGOA/CE/OFBA/CEC-Resolution/08-13 Date :
Chairman,Ordnance factory Board,
10A, SK Bose Road,
Subject : Resolutions taken at CEC meeting
of NDGBGOA on 24th& 25th Aug 2013. Forwarding of
The central executive committee
of NDGBGOA which was held 24th& 25th Aug 2013 at OF
Trichy, had taken following resolutionswhich is forwarded herewith for your
kind intervention and necessary action at the earliest please.
1) Resolution No.1
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at O.F.Trichy unanimously
resolved that “Head of the Unit/ General Manager shall not detail Group B
Gazetted Officers for supervisory work,
Plant operation,or any kind of physical work like collection of stores and
other similar work”.
Proposed BY :-S.K.Panigrahi,O.F.Bol Seconded
By :- S.B.Gaur,O.F.Bhandara
2) Resolution No.2
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at O.F.Trichy unanimously
resolved that the“ There should not be any disparities in Stenographer cadre (PS &Sr PS) which is
prevailed in factories, the promotional channel shall be made in-line with OFB
and Ministries”.
Proposed by :- John Kutty Seconded
By :- Jaigopal Singh
3) Resolution No.3
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at O.F.Trichy unanimously
resolved that the “standard of training to group B Gazetted officers should be
at par with Group A Gazetted Officers & it should be conducted in a
Separate Training Institute / Academy like NADP”.
Proposed by:-P. Thangapandian Seconded by
:- B M Barik
4) Resolution No.4
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F.Trichy unanimously resolved that “Without proper training, officers should
not be given the duties of Inquiry Officer and presenting officer for
departmental enquiries.
Proposed by:- B M Barik Seconded
by :- N C Ramakrishna
5) Resolution No.5
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F.Trichy unanimously resolved that “Disparity in publishing the (Notional) promotion
of Chargeman/AF to JWM for Electrical
and chemical trades is w.e.f. 28/07/2010 where for other trades were granted promotion w.e.f.
31/05/2010. OFB should rectify the anomalies of date of promotion at the
Proposed by:- M Mani Seconded by :- P K Das
6) Resolution No.6
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F.Trichy unanimously resolved that “Gazette notifications should be published
for all group B Gazetted officers”.
Proposed by:-P K Das Seconded by :- K KVelayudhan
7) Resolution No.7
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F.Trichy unanimously resolved that “Uniform policy should be followed in all
the Ordnance Factories for capacity verification as per the standing operative procedure
(SOP) issued by OFB for detailing one group A officer (Team Leader) assisted by
group B Officer”.
Proposed by:-
N K Singh Seconded by :- Ghanshyam
8) Resolution No.8
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F.Trichy unanimously resolved that “incremental benefits should be granted to
those who were promoted from CM-II to CM-I and AF/SH/FM to JWM between
01-01-2006 to 31-08-2008 as per DOPT
Proposed by:-Kenjole Seconded by :-
9) Resolution No.9
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F. Trichy unanimously resolved that “HRA should be granted to JWMs those who
are surrendered/not occupying govt. quarters and wherever type-III/IV quarters
are not vacant”.
Proposed by:-
Chandra Seconded by :- M Mani
10) Resolution No.10
The Central Executive Committee of NDGBGOA which is on the session at
O.F. Trichy unanimously resolved that “The MACP benefit for JWMs should be
granted 5400 grade pay instead of G.P. 4800 in-line with directives of Hon’
Principal Bench (CAT) New Delhi (OA No 904/2012 dated 26/11/2012)”.
Proposed by:-
N C Ramakrishna Seconded by :- A.
This is for your kind
information and necessary action at the earliest pl.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
(JaiGopal Singh) GeneralSecretary/NDGBGOA(CE)
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Dear CEC/Office Bearers of NDGBGOA ,
DGOF/Chairman,O.F.Board ,Kolkata has finaly consider demand of NDGBGOA regarding Duty and Responsibility of JWM and issued Order to NDGBGOA Branch :-CF Aruvankadu. Congrats to all member of NDGBGOA,CFA due to their effords JWM cadre has succeeded victory in long pending issue.a Copy of Duty and Responsibility of JWM will published in blog in shortly.Please get down load and h/o to your factory Administration for information and n/a please
DGOF/Chairman,O.F.Board ,Kolkata has finaly consider demand of NDGBGOA regarding Duty and Responsibility of JWM and issued Order to NDGBGOA Branch :-CF Aruvankadu. Congrats to all member of NDGBGOA,CFA due to their effords JWM cadre has succeeded victory in long pending issue.a Copy of Duty and Responsibility of JWM will published in blog in shortly.Please get down load and h/o to your factory Administration for information and n/a please
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