Monday, 10 June 2013

An appeal to all JWM's

It is a humble appeal to all JWM's to please ask OFB by sending an information request appended below to ascertain why OFB has told DOPT & UPSC that even AGM, GM, Sr. GM, Member and DGOF and Chairman are a part of promotional avenue of JWM. You can copy the application appended below and paste in Word and do necessary alteration as needed.

Please ensure that your information request (RTI application) should accompany copy of 'ANNEXURE - B' and an IPO of Rs. 10/- drawn in favor of 'Director General Ordnance Factories' payable at Kolkata.

“Information request under RTI Act 2005”


(Name and your postal address)

The Central Public Information Officer,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10A, S K Bose Road,
KOLKATA – 700 001.

Sub: Information request under RTI Act 2005.

I, a citizen of India, submits this information request along with mandated fee of Rs. 10/- in the form of IPO no. ________________ drawn in favor of Director General Ordnance Factories payable at Kolkata.

First of all please find enclosed copy of ‘ANNEXURE – B’ enclosed along with proforma no UPSC – 33 (DOPT-1) [Proforma for requisition to UPSC] sent to UPSC through MOD and provide the following information (period to which information relates: 01/01/1996 to till date) within the time as per mandate given in sec 7 (1) of RTI Act 2005 i.e. within 30 days:
1. Name and details (personal number and factory) of Junior Works Manager who retired after getting promotion to JTS in Sl. No. 1 of ‘ANNEXURE – B’.
2. Name and details (personal number and factory) of Junior Works Manager who retired after getting promotion to STS in Sl. No. 2 of ‘ANNEXURE – B’.
3. Name and details (personal number and factory) of Junior Works Manager who retired after getting promotion to JAG (ordinary grade) in Sl. No. 3 of ‘ANNEXURE – B’.
4. Name and details (personal number and factory) of Junior Works Manager who retired after getting promotion to JAG (selection grade) in Sl. No.4 of ‘ANNEXURE – B’.
5. Name and details (personal number and factory) of Junior Works Manager who retired after getting promotion to SAG (ordinary grade) in Sl. No. 5 of ‘ANNEXURE – B’. Please provide this information post wise i.e. JWM’s retired as AGM/GM/DDG, Sr. GM/Sr. DDG, Addl.  DGOF/Member and DGOF/Chairman OFB.
6. If no JWM has got promotion above JTS or STS before retirement during said period i.e. 1996 (when JWM post was initially created), provide the attested copies of file notings done for preparation of ‘ANNEXURE – B’ sanctioned by competent authority i.e. DGOF.

Enclosures: As above.

(Name & Signature of applicant)

Junior Works Manager (The real face of OFB revealed)

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