Thursday, 5 April 2018


Ref no-. /NDGBGOA(CE)/CDRA/AG/2018-03              Date: 26/03/2018

The General Secretary,
CDRA,New Delhi.

                       Sub- Agenda points for discussion in CDRA Meeting -reg

                        The central executive committee of this association requests you to take up following points in the meeting and take up with appropriate forum at MOD.
1.   Anomaly in Level 6,7,8- It is brought to your kind notice that there is discrepancy in the level 6,7 & 8. There is no difference in Horizontal Hierarchy. It is just same as vertical Hierarchy. Therefore there is no meaning of Promotion and MACP in the level 6,7 and 8. It is just an incremental benefit only. Therefore, this point may be addressed in anomaly committee and address properly for rectification in level 6,7 and 8.
2.   Risk allowance to Non Gazetted and Group B Gazetted Officer in Ordnance Factories- It is brought to the kind notice that Group B Gazetted and non Gazetted Officer are directly involve in Risk and Hazardous work but are not given Risk allowances like Industrial Employees. In most of the accident Chargeman and JWMs are also affected in Ordnance Factories. Therefore this point may be taken in appropriate forum at MOD.
3.   Cadre restructuring of Group B cadre in MOD- In ordnance Factory Organisation the Cadre Review of Group B cadre has not taken care for last 24 year. The Group B cadre is fully deprived without any Promotional avenue. Therefore, the cadre Restructuring of Group B cadre may be taken care and cleared at the earliest in MOD level. It is suggested to make uniform cadre restructuring in all the MOD department.
4.   Increasing and distribution of JTS Post (i.e AWM Post) in O.F.Board base on the feeder cadre strength.
5.   Transparent Transfer policy with consultant of stake holders.
6.   Implementation of  the  instruction No. 05/2008/(PCC) of O.F.Board regarding  implementation  of pay commission report. For granting of MACP  4800 to 5400 PB-III.
7.   Bunching  facilities  may be given to Ordnance Factories JWMs.
8.   Nature of duties should be published for JWMs (Tech/Non Tech) of Ordnance Factories.
9.   Gazette Notification of JWMs should be done in Ordnance Factories.
10.Risk Allowance should be given  to Group’B’ Officers of Ordnance
     Factories   as per 7th cpc Recommendation.

Thanking you,

                                                                         Yours faithfully.
                                                                                  -Sd-                                                                                 (JAI GOPAL SINGH)                                                                                General Secretary/NDGBGOA